posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 08:31 AM
reply to post by 1nquisitive
Pfft. We are numbers. We are a series. We are not individuals, we are components. And if a watch component fails to operate correctly, it will be cast
aside and replaced with a more cooperative piece. And if the watch fails to function, it will be stripped apart and recycled as part of a better
watch. But better for whom?
We are all invisible. Lives are lost, ruined, destroyed, oppressed every day and no one notices or remembers. Young, old, innocent, wicked. We all
have our place in the grand scheme, but the grand scheme doesn't serve us all. This artist feels invisible because the government gives him no value
as an individual. That's the way of the world. When any of us looks at the world, we miss the trees for the forest.
edit on 30-1-2013 by
AfterInfinity because: (no reason given)