posted on Jan, 30 2013 @ 11:18 PM
reply to post by bg_socalif
Since it's been awhile since Elenin, Honda and all the other little beasties that flew by or were supposed to go by some time ago I thought it might
help to post a bit more info. The distance for this one is why people keyed on it.
Of course the media would make Mt Everest out of an Ant Hill in Africa if it would get ratings and sell papers ...but I think this WOULD be a real
serious concern if it were considerably larger than it is. Still...
Geosynchronous Orbit is out around 22,000 miles altitude and where some commercial satellites live.
report under 15,000 miles / 24,000 Kilometers
So, basically, I'd call it close to the margin of error or...if someone missed the fact there was another one out there that HIT this one and changed
it's course just a wee bit...Well? iiiiiicoming! lol....
I laugh only because this IS that small and as the post above mine here notes, my simulator results were the scary nightmare version which still
isn't that bad if you aren't under it. What I also didn't mention was that we're still a planet of mostly water and odds something even hits land
(let alone a populated city are running pretty long on the best of days.
I did find a neat graphic to illustrate the issue though.
Hope that helps!