reply to post by DarknStormy
I had wanted to ignore you, for you are known here as someone who would readily twist truths and spew your propaganda with no conscience, and
supported by your kind if not, the use of your other nicks to support you. Yes, I said 'your other nicks' - your socket puppets.
As you readily and boldly make unsubstantiated allegations laying blame on eveyone except the culprits, so too will I make an example to illustrate
you and your kind's style. How does it feel now, being alledged as a socket puppet manipulator? I doubt if you would feel anything, for your
conscience had been proven long gone.
2. It is only about your lies over the Shah that I am posting to clear up your re-writing of history.
The only time when USA officially stepped into Iran's affairs was when in the 50s, Iran PM Dr. Mosaddegh nationalized the oil industry, booting out
foreign firms who had invested vast sums. Mosaddegh wanted it all, instead of the 21% agreed upon and jobs for iranians, with Iran putting not a
single cent in needed.
Mosaddegh was booted out by the military with help from the fund paying nations for Iran's growth and contracts were then honored.
Shah Reza was a secularist, just like his father, who had taken the road to modernize Iran, rejected the clerics regression. He had done and build up
much foundations of modern Iran, but unfortunately, when your idol - the apostate Khomeni returned, today's iranians lived to regret that switch.
Shah Reza lived in a time of worldwide communist insurgencies, with Russia and China's brutal agents attempting to overthrow national govts. As such
was born the savage SAVAK intelligence agencies to deal with the commie threats, as well as misled Radical Islamic revivalist demons such as the
fiery muslim brotherhood back then running rampant across the middle east, such as what had happened to Mali now.
You claimed that under that infidel apostate khameni, iran has stability today. Sure thing, when anyone who dares voice out get hang in public. It is
claimed that jews, sunnis, shias, christians, etc live in loving peace in Iran today. Pure BS again. If anyone of them dares voice out against the
regime, the entire ethnic group gets wiped out.
Heck!, the regime does not even spares its own shias, and had already hanged many of them, or murdered by his thugs. What makes you think they will
spare others? Dream on. The only terrorists in Iran are the leadership and its thugs.
As you said, I will be disappointed with the truth. I am, because Truths and Realities often only brings pain, as it destroys the childhood fantasies
or misplaced adulthood trust. However, I had never feared to confront the truth head on, come what may, so that I can know the mistakes to progress
and evolve, UNLIKE you and your kind, who prefers the comfort and delusions of lies and falsehoods, worse, to propagandized such to others who do not
have rational minds to discern the truth.
Carry on with your BS. It is your right to speak up, so that others may know how irresponsible you are with such freedoms.