When are people going to realize that it’s not about Democrats, Democratic Socialists, Blue Dog Democrats, Conservatives, Conservative Libertarians,
Moderate Conservatives, Liberals, Libertarians, Moderate Liberals, Republicans, Socialists, Socialist Libertarians, Green Party people, Independents,
Indifferent peoples, communists, anarchists, sun worshipers, etc., etc., etc…???
I will be the first to admit that I get caught up in the scheme of things when it comes to politics. But I have come to a point where I am absolutely
tired of it! Especially when it comes to the topic of gun control. When on G-ds given earth is the bickering going to end? If people put as much time
into helping their fellow man/woman as they do sitting behind a computer b!tching about everything, there would be progress on a scale never seen
before! And again, I must reiterate, I’m just as guilty of it.
It’s a travesty to see innocent people get killed (especially children) when it comes to guns, but people need to really look at the bigger picture.
We live in an imperfect world, and sometimes you have to take the good with the bad. Innocent people are going to be killed. It’s just the way it
is. People also need to realize that many lives will be saved because of guns. There is no miracle solution to all the problems going on in America,
and people need to accept that. Is b!tching about it every moment of every day really going to make the difference? I understand that people have
different views and opinions, it’s just the way we are, but are we really focusing on what we should be doing?
I find it comical to see some of these so called “intellectuals” here on ATS complain about their political foes. Some smart azz conservative will
complain about a liberal’s point of view, and some smart azz liberal will do the same to the other. Both sides might have a good argument on a
particular subject, but really, in the end, they both look like absolute retards! The blame game is pathetic! Almost sickening! If I didn’t know
better, I would say we look more like a bunch of Neanderthals fighting over the left overs of a dead carcass the hyenas left behind, than people who
are actually capable of doing anything that might have a positive impact on the world we live in!
Mankind needs a reality check! Any ideas? I’m thinking a good’ole EMP burst would do the trick! Though the death and carnage would be great, I
think in the end, we would prevail as a species. I think maybe we’d start to see that there is a much bigger picture than the façade we are taught
the moment we come out a crying and a kickin. They say that there is always something good to come from something bad. And EMP burst could certainly
be one of them. Think of it. No more electricity. Sure, many will die, but it couldn’t be any worse than what we’re doing to ourselves now, or
what WE would do to ourselves in the future.
Now I know there will be people who will tell me that if I don’t like this/that/or whatever, than I need to go elsewhere, and maybe become some kind
of tree hugging super freak or what be, But hey, I’m here on ATS to rant. Don’t like it? Read something else!
/Rant Off
edit on 26-1-2013 by Propulsion because: (no reason given)