posted on Jan, 26 2013 @ 06:24 PM
So last night i had this urge bugging me to go sit out side and watch the stars. This persisted, so thinking there was something to it, i gave in.
After about 10 minutes i began hearing what i thought was thunder. Only, there was not a clouds in sight and it was a relatively calm day. I began
paying closer attention and noticed it sounded more like a the sky was taring apart or a part of the earth was getting train bombed not to far away.
This persisted for about 10-20 minutes around 11pm.
The thing i found odd, and this is why i am not writing it off as a normal occurrence is.
I am a natural Empath, half way through hearing these sounds i really began to feel what i would call distress or sadness all around me. I actually
felt that the earth was somewhat sick, or sad and it was moaning.
Very odd to say the least.
Another thing you might find interesting.
A minute or 2 after the sounds stopped i saw a UFO fly down to get my attention, its like it swayed around to say we are here and then it just
I'm sorry i do not have any footage, i tried to record the sounds on my phone but the damn memory was full then its started freezing, so i gave up as
i didn't want to miss anything. So your just gonna have to take my word on it.