posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 05:59 PM
Just an observation, something I've noticed as of late regarding the possible infringements on the 2nd amendment
UNITY we all know there are divides right or wrong due to ethnicity , religious background and belief , sexual preference, but I have noticed and love
the fact that we as Americans standing for and upon the second amendment are from all walks of life Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Black, White, Gay
lesbian Straight Leftwing, Rightwing, Male, Female.
My point is it doesn't matter where you come from what your background is we as a group have unity and the powers that be have gotten our attention
using the possibility of relieving us of our rights and as always happens we stand as Americans UNITED!!!!
And please forgive if I posted this in the wrong forum just so many choices and topics on the 2nd are everywhere
edit on 1/23/2013 by geocom
because: Add
edit on 1/23/2013 by geocom because: Change title slightly