posted on May, 7 2003 @ 01:05 PM
Houston we have a
Big problem....
Report: N.Korea Told U.S. It Will Export Nukes
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - North Korea threatened during talks in Beijing to export nuclear arms and to add to its arsenal, The Washington Times reported
on Wednesday.
For all of you who have underestimated N.Korea 9/11 will look like a walk in the park if Mr. Osama gets his hands on a Bomb. My whole grip with the
War on Iraq was that there were
Bigger threats out there than Iraq.
If bush would of said we are going after N.Korea and will deal with Iraq later I would of understood becasue as you can see their the bigger threat.
But the reason he attacked Iraq is because he knew we could win. If we attacked N.Korea it would of been a real WAR. Mabey he's waiting until after
the 2004 elections?!?!?