America will define the times not be defined by them! We will not tire, we will not falter and we will not fail.
Dont give an inch on the second!
Our highest offices and our main stream media outlets are for sale to the highest bidder! Our government sponsors the death of hundreds if not
thousands of children in Syria today. Kills children and other inocents with drones daily. Sponsored the killing of hundreds of thousands in Iraq and
beyond (Some say one million+ in Iraq alone!). Kills Americans without trial or any type of due process.
White House wins fight to keep assassinations of Americans secret.
The Patriot Acts, the FISA domestic spy bill, the bailouts of corrupt international banks, attempts at CISPA and SOPA, actions like the NDAA
authorizing the treatment of U.S. citizens as “enemy combatants” without rights to due process; all paint a picture so clear only a one-celled
amoeba (or your average suburban yuppie) would not see it. You and I, and everyone else for that matter, have been designated potential targets of the
It doesn't take a genius to see we're traveling down a road that leads to tyranny.
Disarm you say? I say disarm the Federal Goverment!
There are tensof millions of semi auto assault rifles in America and many times that amount exist as demilled parts kits which are in fact full auto
machine guns etc.. The last assault rifle ban just saw the suppliers who were affected cutting their guns to meet ATF requirements, and sending in
four times as many to maintain the same profit margins. Most 80%+ come in country with full auto fire control components. Most do not realize just how
well armed the American populous is.
All political power comes out of the barrel of a gun, and the American people constitute the largest armed force in the world! A standing army we are
not, but there can be no victory against us!
Piecemealing the second out of existence is the same as taking it outright!
Stand now or we are lost forever! The second is what defends the rest of our rights! If 90% of Americas gun owners dropped dead today we would still
outnumber the US military 10 to 1!
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure."
Thomas Jefferson
“The constitution shall never be prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms.”
Alexander Hamilton
edit on 23-1-2013 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)