posted on Aug, 18 2005 @ 11:09 AM
Actually, I don't think that it was just "Can I hold your hand" sort of stuff. I just think that she was trying to keep it non-graphic, and/or
non-distracting. After all, the Harry/Ginny kiss was described as "Several minutes, or maybe several hours, or even weeks" (or something to that
effect, don't have my book in front of me). To me, there is only one kind of kiss that can cause one to loose track of time, space, and surroundings.
And it ain't a peck on the cheek. Plus, Molly blushed when she was asked about the long walks she and Arthur used to take, implying that they
weren't exactly innocent. So, what were Ginny/Harry doing on their nightly "Long walks" they were taking?
So, I think that she was just trying to keep the romance clean and side-line. Kinda the same way she tries to keep language clean. I just LOVED the
scene where Harry was trying to get into the room of requirement while wearing the invisibility cloak. He cursed and the freshman screamed and ran.
The description being along the lines of "Believing that she just ran into an extremely foul-mouthed ghost". The previous description making me
think along the lines of S*** or D***, but the follow up being much more . . .Rude. And made me laugh to imagine exactly WHAT he must have said.
JKR has said the publishers have told her that she had to limit her use of curse words (which she isn't totally happy about because Ron's character
loves the words) so maybe something along the same lines about the romance is being applied. Concern for the innocent children. (Yeah, right,
innocent. Do they not see the cartoons kids watch? Much less everything else they watch.)