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Snowpocalypse Russia: Snow Tsunami swallows cars, streets, buildings (Photos)

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posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 08:09 PM

Originally posted by ~widowmaker~
reply to post by Rezlooper

oh haha i thought i saw someone say ten inches of snow, wasnt going off the article persay just looking at photos and peoples comments , oops lol

Yeah the article did say 10 inches also, but that was in Moscow - 10 feet in Norilsk where the photos are from.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 09:06 PM

'Nuff said

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by CranialSponge

We do have some of the best snow clearing equipment and methods for clearing it.

posted on Jan, 22 2013 @ 11:29 PM
My prayers are with all those poor people who are trapped in the outskirts.

People, this is nothing to laugh about.

I am appauled at some of these comments joking about that bottle being in the snow and about Russians in general "Oh they can take it." (and if they can't so what)

Sickening.. if you people only realized.

The Russians are the ones who actually won WWII, even on ATS though you people don't know that because the "official story" of the US winning it makes you feel superior.

These comments...

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by collietta
Growing up in a small town in Northern California (high Sierras) we had a few snow storms like this. The winter of 95 and 97 were the two worse with people leaving their homes through the second story after a heavy snow storm that lasted for days.

The cause of the snowfall amount was El Nino combined with cloud seeding to encourage a larger snow pack for southern California water.

After that, we were told that cloud seeding wasn't allowed anymore. Perhaps Russia has had some recent cloud seeding.

I wish I could find it now, but it was one of those random "browsing the internets" things I came across a couple years ago discussing advances Russia had made with cloud seeding and some of the great use they had put it to for their own mmeans of production. Not talking HAARP or anything "conspiracy" like, just apparently some more effective means of good ol' fashioned cloud seeding. Whether it had anything to do with this, or just a HUGE snowfall naturally (probably what this is.).

Russia has been having a brutally cold winter. I don't pay much attention to weather forces away from my homeland, but i'm guessing they've got a persistent pattern pulling in more cold and precip this year. Chicago, after what I believe was the warmest winter on record last year, is around normal temps this year, but we have had less than 1" total snowfall in 11 months. I think the "new normal" is that there is no normal.

Now, I know there will be people who call big snow in Russia "proof" there's no global warming. That nonsense needs to atop. It's no more valid than me saying the existence of the Chevy Volt is proof that my SUV gets great gas mileage. Global warming is real, the nu.bers don't lie. Up for debate and a lot more legitimate research is the why, how, and how much it matters. But really, let's get out of preschool and admit that a localized example of cold or snow doesn't refute small average global average temperature increases which have been accurately measured over time. It's embarrassing to the human race to think there are more than a handful of people who think that way.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 06:16 AM

Originally posted by dogstar23

Now, I know there will be people who call big snow in Russia "proof" there's no global warming. That nonsense needs to atop. It's no more valid than me saying the existence of the Chevy Volt is proof that my SUV gets great gas mileage. Global warming is real, the nu.bers don't lie. Up for debate and a lot more legitimate research is the why, how, and how much it matters. But really, let's get out of preschool and admit that a localized example of cold or snow doesn't refute small average global average temperature increases which have been accurately measured over time. It's embarrassing to the human race to think there are more than a handful of people who think that way.

Global warming has increased the energy and moisture in the atmosphere, making conditions for severe storms and floods more likely. In the last century, the Earth’s average temperature has increased by about 0.8°C, increasing the amount of water the air can hold by about 7%. It is a reasonable conclusion that when it rains, it will rain more and when it snows, it will snow more. So strangely enough, global warming could actually lead to greater snowfall.


posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 06:44 AM
reply to post by dogstar23

Global warming is real, the nu.bers don't lie.

They have manipulated the numbers. Historical temperatures have been altered to make it appear like temperatures are rising.
There are stories all over about this.

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 07:09 AM
reply to post by 1/2 Nephilim

I am appauled at some of these comments joking about that bottle being in the snow and about Russians in general "Oh they can take it." (and if they can't so what)

Oh my god, joking about the bottle of whiskey in the snow, so, so terrible, were all gonna burn in hell.
Youre prayers arent with them, you dont even know them and even if they are "with them" they could care less because they dont know you, so give it a rest.
They go through this every year

posted on Jan, 23 2013 @ 11:37 AM
Russians ARE able to handle this.
I think the thing people from warmer regions of the world don't realize is, that people from the cold regions spend their summers gathering wood (many cords of wood) for the wood stoves, canning and storing food for emergencies, and for times when they're stuck in snow, and cannot get out of their region for weeks.

They check their houses for frost damage in the summer, and fix it, and they make sure they're insulated from the cold better the following winter.

Sure, there is always problems, even in Canada we have people that have wandered out in the extreme cold and frozen to death. It's usually from not preparing properly, or from being drunk and not thinking clearly.

This snow and extreme cold is something that happens almost every year in Russia and other northern countries.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by Juggernog

Naw, theres been more said than that. As for that bottle in the snow, thats about as funny as a big apple floating down the flooded streets of lower Manhattan after Hurricaine Sandy. Alcoholism is an epidemic in Russia, there is more alcoholism and heroin addiction in Russia than anywhere else in the world.

Another thing, by and large they like Americans. They like our culture, they like our way of life.. They don't like our governments policies. WWII CRIPPLED that country, they have never recovered and the US government sees to it that they never will, routing the majority of Opium from Afghanistan directly to them.

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by snowspirit
Russians ARE able to handle this.

Oh yeah? Why don't you watch this short video and see if you still think that.

edit on 24-1-2013 by 1/2 Nephilim because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 24 2013 @ 01:09 PM
reply to post by 1/2 Nephilim

Yep. I guess the political thievery and corruption is now causing huge problems.
I guess I have to change my statement to Russians who have proper housing and infrastructure can handle it.

My heart goes out to the elderly and those without power and/or heat.

In the other areas, Russians are a tough bunch. The men don't even put the ear flaps on their hats down over their ears until its below minus 30.
They make us Canadians look like wimps in the winter.

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