posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 11:54 AM
I heard a comment on obesity in America.That 65% of all Americans are obese.Now is this a result of Hamburgers,Milkshakes,Soft Drinks and lack of
exercise?Or could there be another reason behind it?
Well the commentator I was listening to had another thought.. He said it is because of the stance on smoking.
He looked back at pictures from the 50's.Where everybody and their sister smoked yet you don't see the same amount of obese people.
Afterall the statistics do add up.65% of Americans are obese, 35% of all Americans smoke.Thats 100% right?We are all going to die.Do you want to fit
in the casket or not?Your choice.
edit on 19-1-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)
Moral to this story is .You just can't win.We are all going to die!!!!
edit on 19-1-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason
edit on 19-1-2013 by rockymcgilicutty because: (no reason given)