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What is so sad is that the animals can't see the bars of their enslavement.

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posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:28 AM
Before I begin, let me say that I am doing exactly what I have always wanted to do with my life here and to say that I am as free and as happy as I have ever been here on Earth. I am a free spirit wandering the Earth, but it's not enough. I feel like a caged tiger in a zoo pacing back and forth in his cage with no hope of ever escaping or ever being free. But still he walks because stopping and standing still is worse than pacing. It feels like I am a trapped animal and at times wanting to strike out at anything close to me. Rage sometimes shows itself in my moments of weakness. Not rage toward my fellow slave, but rage at their condition. I have nothing but compassion for their suffering.

I now travel through life freer than most people can ever imagine. I spend my life roaming America as a free man. No ties holding me back, few responsibilities, little baggage, no commitments. I am as free as any man can be, but it isn't enough at times. I want to break my bonds of physical limitation. I want to experience real freedom again, free of gravity, free of hate, fear, evil, duality and pain. To travel anywhere I wish without limitation.

I want to visit the stars as I once did. I want to again see the rings of Saturn up close. To fly like a limitless bird. To have no feeling of gravity or physical body. To experience an evening on a planet with multiple moons. To again see strange life unseen here on Earth. To feel the warmth and light from two suns. To rest without hate, fear, noise, laws, interference or cold. To be free again!

I want to remember the truth of my existence and to understand my purpose for being and my destiny. Is that too much to ask? Is that too much freedom for any being? I think not. To chain any creature in slavery is worse than death. The beings that trap others for their own benefit are the lowest and the sickest of creatures. How can anyone visit a zoo without coming away saddened?

So, why did I volunteer to come here? I came here for one reason. To free others from this human zoo, from this Earth prison colony. There is a sadness here like nowhere that I can imagine. But, many humans have no concept or understanding of their condition and talk of things like freedom, constitutions, governments and patriotism with little concept of what these words really mean. While at the same time, they are manipulated animals and have always been. Caged in a world of forgetfulness.

I look forward to the day when this human zoo ends and all life here is free. I yearn with all my heart for that day. Until then I will struggle with my brothers and sisters so all can someday be free. May it end soon and we all will be wild animals again, free to roam as we wish.

Soon. I feel a change in the air...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:34 AM
You feel caged? Sad?

What a terrible way to feel.

I, on the other hand, feel that I have a great opportunity to learn about the Universe via a physical body, which houses my soul.

Earth is just the playing ground.

Cheer up.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by Unrealised

Let me put it this way. I feel liberated and happy that I now understand my world around me. As I said above, I am quite happy. BUT, I want to more. Don't you? I now know that this is not all there is to life. That is a very exciting prospect!

I want to be free to explore it. Why be content with just this?

I guess it is all about perspective...

edit on 19-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-1-2013 by Wanderer112358 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:43 AM
I've been on drugs, gotten off them.

Found Religion, threw it away.

Played with witchcraft, realized it was stupid.

I looked deep inside and I found Solipsism.

I'm the God I have found.

I'm slowly discovering myself.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:47 AM
reply to post by Unrealised

very nicely put indeed

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:52 AM

Originally posted by Unrealised
I've been on drugs, gotten off them.

Found Religion, threw it away.

Played with witchcraft, realized it was stupid.

I looked deep inside and I found Solipsism.

I'm the God I have found.

I'm slowly discovering myself.

Keep searching. The truth will truly set you free my friend.

Ignorance is NEVER bliss.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by skalla

Thank you.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 09:01 AM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

This is Great. Well written. I like it.

I haven't worked "For the Man" for the past 3 years. I live a simple FREE LIFE producing small pieces of Indigenous Artwork, and I sell it in my Home Town - As long as it pays the bills I'm happy.

No Widescreen Plasma TV Trash for me.
No iPhone rubbish.
No senseless spending to keep up with the Jones's.

I don't want to be completely cut off from world events so I have a laptop.
Also I have my Libary Card.

I'm getting there but I still yearn for more freedom.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 09:12 AM
reply to post by Pedro4077

Yes my friend. Less is certainly more in my view.

I haven't watched TV in almost 10 years now. I eat vegan. I don't have much money. No retirement, no life or medical insurance, I live free each day in an old converted camper.

I don't expect anyone else to live like this or to agree with my lifestyle. This life is about choice. ALL about choice. may we each make the choices that are right for us...


posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by Wanderer112358

I totally relate to your sentiment my friend. I think the imbalance ----as far as why we are all not uneasy & restless at the same time is...we are all different soul-ages. I don't get it but I've accepted it because it's the most rational explanation I've heard. So the younger souls can't even begin to fathom what our position is all about.

Perhaps souls such as you and I see things as inside out, backwards and soulfully wrong (the enslavement, the conditioning, the programming, the spoon-fed history, science thinking they know.... etc.....) because we've reached the soul-age where this just isn't working anymore. We can't even pretend that it's okay. And a trillion dollars in our pockets couldn't make this feel any 'right-er'.

This planet is NOT how Universal souls live and I can't prove how I know this but I do. As do you OP and millions of others on this planet.

So I've come to a semi-conclusion that: this is/ we are an experiment of some type. And our vessels (aka; our bodies) are shackles filled with different programs and systems which work in direct opposition of our 'natural' soul. And we are all in different 'grades'.
The politicians for example, are VERY young souls. And those teaching homeopathic medicines are much older souls. And so on.

I do believe there are Beings out there who do have 'bodies' however, theirs are much lighter than ours. They are almost pure energy. Light Beings. They are able to walk through walls (which aren't solid to begin with but that's a whole quantum-thread in itself) and communicate telepathically. There are no boundaries. No language barriers. No prison. Pure freedom to roam the Universe and materialize at will.

So obviously I've concluded, Humans are not living in their natural state or full potential. We are dense artificial freaks if you will trapped by gravity and confined by rules and regulations. And some of our souls have woken up and perhaps our approach to 2012 was the turning point as the curve has now been rounded.

You my friend are not alone!
Thanks for your thread!

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Human_Alien
reply to post by Wanderer112358

I totally relate to your sentiment my friend. I think the imbalance ----as far as why we are all not uneasy & restless at the same time is...we are all different soul-ages. I don't get it but I've accepted it because it's the most rational explanation I've heard. So the younger souls can't even begin to fathom what our position is all about.

Perhaps souls such as you and I see things as inside out, backwards and soulfully wrong (the enslavement, the conditioning, the programming, the spoon-fed history, science thinking they know.... etc.....) because we've reached the soul-age where this just isn't working anymore. We can't even pretend that it's okay. And a trillion dollars in our pockets couldn't make this feel any 'right-er'.

This planet is NOT how Universal souls live and I can't prove how I know this but I do. As do you OP and millions of others on this planet.

So I've come to a semi-conclusion that: this is/ we are an experiment of some type. And our vessels (aka; our bodies) are shackles filled with different programs and systems which work in direct opposition of our 'natural' soul. And we are all in different 'grades'.
The politicians for example, are VERY young souls. And those teaching homeopathic medicines are much older souls. And so on.

I do believe there are Beings out there who do have 'bodies' however, theirs are much lighter than ours. They are almost pure energy. Light Beings. They are able to walk through walls (which aren't solid to begin with but that's a whole quantum-thread in itself) and communicate telepathically. There are no boundaries. No language barriers. No prison. Pure freedom to roam the Universe and materialize at will.

So obviously I've concluded, Humans are not living in their natural state or full potential. We are dense artificial freaks if you will trapped by gravity and confined by rules and regulations. And some of our souls have woken up and perhaps our approach to 2012 was the turning point as the curve has now been rounded.

You my friend are not alone!
Thanks for your thread!

Yes, you are another old soul indeed. I have found that "like attracts like", so I now come across old soul beings everywhere. You are right in your assessment of soul ages. If others can tolerate me doing so, I will post below some "truths" that I now hold close to me. If they ring true for you, fine. If they don't, that is completely ok also.


posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 10:17 AM
Here are some of the ideas that I have found to be true. As I said, if this sounds wrong for you, that is completely ok. Follow your own path and what you think is right. Remember, this reality is all about choice.


- Our soul/inner spiritual consciousness was never born and will never die. We are truly infinite and powerful spiritual beings.

- We are not this frail, finite, physical body. We are very advanced spiritual beings that come to this dense physical reality to learn from it. We volunteered to come experience this dense, restricting and difficult reality. Only the strongest of the strong volunteered for this amazing challenge.

- We will continue to live many, many incarnations here until we begin to understand what truly powerful spiritual beings we really are and begin to understand that it is within our power to leave whenever we want. Many people consider us to be slaves in this reality. Yes, we are! BUT, once we begin to remember who we really are, we can't be held here any longer. We are really more powerful than most of us can imagine.

- Until we understand that we must walk through this world alone, we will never become the advanced beings we really are. Each of us have a unique path to follow through this world. Your path is not my path. Until we stop depending on a teacher, guru, master, preacher or partner to show us the way, we will never be free. This is a solitary journey and so we must walk our path alone.

- Our earthly family is not our real family. Our earthly family are usually just beings that came together for this incarnation to learn from each other. Our family here are not people we can depend on any more than any other people in the world. In truth, all living beings are our brothers and sisters, not just the ones we consider our immediate family.

- Our mind/ego is not who we really are. When we listen to our mind/ego to guide us instead of our heart, we will forever be led astray. It is only once we learn to quiet our mind/ego and to listen to the subtle messages from our heart that we will begin to follow our true path.

- Fear is our worst and toughest adversary. If we understand that we are really infinite beings, we will begin to understand that we really have nothing to fear in this world. Fear distracts us from our true path and keeps us lost and confused. Usually our greatest fears are issues that we need to address the most. Our fears are teaching us a lesson to learn from. As crazy as it may seem, embrace your fears and deal with them with courage and love in your heart.

- There are some beings that have not been incarnating here on Earth for very long and are really quite immature souls. However, there are some beings that have been incarnating here on Earth for a very long time. These are known to us as old souls. The young immature souls are like young children, at times doing bad things, throwing temper tantrums and hurting others. One spiritual being is not better or higher than any other, we are just each at a different point in our journey. Jesus, Buddha and Krishna were old souls and there have been many others that we are not even aware of. They have always been around to guide us. Evil people are just immature souls and are learning from every mistake they make.

- What is God? Imagine every living creature in this universe as a drop of water and God as the ocean. Therefore, with this view you can see that we are each a PART of God. We are all therefore truly brothers and sisters. We are not lower level children to be controlled and guided by God. We are all really a unique, piece or fractal of God! Therefore we are all sons/daughters of God.


posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 11:43 AM
What I find really sad is that no one even notices or cares about their condition...

How do you begin to free yourself if you don't even have a desire to be free?


posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by Unrealised

I'm pleased you see the gift of life. But even if you had the most wonderful "vacation" and "learning time" here, with the vast majority, billions suffering due to the corrupt leaders evil scarsity and torture programs, you couldn;t be happy. you'd still be sitting banging your head and trying to get people to help each other, stop the corruption and asking for the Cosmos to come in because this is the ugliest thing going and cannot be allowed to stand under any circumstances. Some speak of it being lessons or karma from the past. Sleeper for example in this thread:

I'm still not finished this one, will get there. But, if he's right, and in part our own souls know this is a bit true about this plane, then we're being taught to be assets and gifts to one another, and to have the Spirit of Peace and Love, not bloodshed, not wars, to forgive, but Higher Ups don't have to. They send people in with clean slates and no memory but allow things to take place that are not allowed to, they destroy the entire existence on all levels by the things happening here. They're that bad!

We're not enslaved, even if bad guys overpower your body, they haven't overpowered your will. Providing you don't hand that away on a silver platter, as some seem to do, but even that is questionable, for its massive programming and doesnt count. Free will does not exist unless you're in an equal world, and standing in truth. Period.

We can choose to strive to be happy and stand up for our freedom, but its hell on wheels to not be able effectively help others and free this world.

So the mentality in your post seems very selfish to me. And Sleeper's Higher Ups need to have serious meetings with true Higher Ups.
edit on 19-1-2013 by Unity_99 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 12:20 PM

Originally posted by Wanderer112358
What I find really sad is that no one even notices or cares about their condition...

How do you begin to free yourself if you don't even have a desire to be free?


Freedom is relative.

Let others follow their own path.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 04:54 PM

Originally posted by Unrealised

Originally posted by Wanderer112358
What I find really sad is that no one even notices or cares about their condition...

How do you begin to free yourself if you don't even have a desire to be free?


Freedom is relative.

Let others follow their own path.

Freedom is not "relative"! That is a very stupid remark. Freedom is the normal condition that all life should expect. If you pay tax to others, if you are subservient to others, if you are controlled by others. You are not free. Fact! No relativity about it.

You are listening to their manipulation to believe such a silly idea...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:02 PM
Yes, let others follow their own path, but they must be made aware that other paths exist first. Once they have a choice to consider, then the choice is theirs alone.

To leave people blind and to tell them to follow their own path is irresponsible in my view...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 05:09 PM
To be able to consider what I have said in this thread has to do with something spoken of in earlier posts. It has to do with the age of the souls reading my message.

Most will view it as wrong, crazy talk or just gibberish. BUT, a handful will understand my message. And that is completely ok.


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