posted on Jun, 8 2014 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to:
I don't know but searching Paul Mckeever freemason brings up this delightful offering. I'll have to get stuck into
that later.
"They said the federation's former chairman, Paul McKeever, who died in office, was the victim of a systematic campaign of abuse, as was his
successor, Steve Williams. The committee published documents provided by former federation officials which allege that they had been victims of
"sustained abuse" and bullying by the general secretary, Ian Rennie, and an adviser. Other evidence published by the committee includes an email
drafted by Mr Williams, in which he wrote: "We all saw what happened to our friend and colleague Paul McKeever and with a young family I do not intend
to let the same thing happen to me." Both Mr Williams and Mr Rennie are resigning at next week's conference."
edit on 8 6 2014 by Kester
because: paragraphs