posted on Jan, 21 2013 @ 04:05 AM
Sorry, but I really cannot see this current North-African and Middle-Eastern situation growing into something that we could call "WW III" - meaning
a full-scale open warfare between at least two opposing sides, technologically on similar level or at least comparable as global powers. At least not
yet in a year or two. It would also take some public agenda, a big goal that would put such nations on the move.
There is no single country or force in the Islamic world yet, that could take the leadership, unite all or most Islamic countries and attack Europe
successfully on open front. Yes - there is this big theoretical goal of Jihad and actually many Arabs would support it, but it would still take years
to build up some united state and military structure, find this one leader that everybody will support etc (some new Caliphate). Also they really have
to solve their Sunni/Shia conflict also. Until then - any single country or party actually trying to invade some part of Europe would be crushed quite
quickly. And of course - terrorist attacks could get out of hand on Western soil, but it would still not be WW III yet. I think if some breaking point
of Islamic terror is reached, Western countries would actually start expelling recent immigrants (innocent or not - remember American Japanese) and
close the borders.
And China or Russia - I really doubt they would support and Islamic Jihad as such. Yes - it is suitable for them to take sides and play chess in
smaller plots (Iran etc.), but some united Caliphate is also the last thing they would want. Also there really is no other big ideological or
religious or reason for then to directly engage Europe or US. Economical take-over step by step could continue of course, but again - that's not open
war yet and still will take years.