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Day of Action to Stop Mental Health Profiling

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posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 06:17 PM
I really don't have much to say anymore except.....Look at what is happening to America!!

Are we really going to be safer if we start making psychiatrists report their patients to the law enforcement?

Are we becoming a police state? or are we just adding "Psychiatric" to the Police State America already is?

American Psychiatric Association wrote THIS to Congress after the Newtown shooting.

The vast majority of violence in our society is not perpetrated by persons with serious mental disorders. Research suggests that individuals with mental illness engaged in regular treatment are considerably less likely to commit violent acts than those in need of, but not engaged in, appropriate mental health treatment (American Psychiatric Association, Resource Document on Access to Firearms by People with Mental Illness, 2009).

Jon Rappoport wrote this on his blog. I think it makes sense and should be considered.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) is also sensitive to the fact that many Americans would never walk into a shrink’s office if they thought that would hinder their chance of owning a gun.

I don't know what should be done or if there is anything at all that can be done, but I do know that creating a database with people receiving psychiatric help will destroy patient/doctor trust and many people will avoid psychiatrists in fear of being put on a government list of crazy people.

Every American should think about it whether or not this would apply to them personally because it's like this woman who survived Hitler said “After America, there is no place to go.”


To protest the scapegoating of people labeled with mental illness by politicians, media, gun control advocates and the pro-gun lobby ● In particular to protest the “NY SAFE Act” pushed through NY’s legislature and signed by Gov Cuomo, which expands state and federal criminal databases of people labeled as mentally ill, unconnected to any actual crime or act of violence, and expanded outpatient commitment (forced drugging in the community)

edit on 1-17-2013 by Springer because: Deleted link to activist protest site per ATS TAC

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 06:28 PM
What a great idea.

Its about time we starting calling these agendas out.

What this whole thing is really about is political dissidents. Soon, if you question your government, you will be insane and locked up. That is what this is about.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 06:32 PM

Originally posted by HenryNorris
What a great idea.

Its about time we starting calling these agendas out.

What this whole thing is really about is political dissidents. Soon, if you question your government, you will be insane and locked up. That is what this is about.

I wish I could just dismiss what you are saying as a conspiracy theory, but I can't because I think you are right.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 06:40 PM
reply to post by whatsecret

The government is protecting Big Pharm and their dangerous drugs! Follow the money and the lobbyists! Follow the drug companies representatives who now have jobs at the FDA!

Our goverment has become very good at blaming victims for their corrupt brand of politics, and until the people recognize it, we will just become nothing more than a country full of victims!

Think about it.......
edit on 17-1-2013 by seeker1963 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:09 PM
This is a tough subject in my opinion. On one hand, we NEED more of the reporting and reporting with some teeth for those who just decide they don't have to. We know the Aurora shooter gave neon signs of warning to the point where his Psych DID report him as a problem, by reports thus far, to the University crisis intervention people ...which kinda ended being valuable when he left school of course. It's impossible to know if reporting him could have or would have done anything with Police. Probably not...because Police have their own very restrictive guidelines on when they can and cannot do something about a mental health issue they personally would deem dangerous ..but not meeting set criteria.

It kinda shows this to be a multi-level problem ...where the docs can call the cops or choose not to....and if they ARE called, the rule book the cops have ends with "Well, if he didn't actually commit a crime, we're sorry but..."

On the other hand of course, we don't want the psych prisons and re-education centers of the Soviet system and sure don't want the political prisoner system of China today(The Falun Gong people could say a lot..if they weren't generally in prisons being re-educated at the moment there).

So heck.. I love the focus on mental health and we had among the best systems in the world ...before Reagan took it apart in 1981/82. How to get BACK to a world class system without being a psych police state? Oh..and yeah.. we gotta dump the Rx pad as the solution to every condition.

edit on 17-1-2013 by Wrabbit2000 because: minor correction.

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by whatsecret

The whole mental health thing seems to me to be turning into a modern day witch hunt. The only problem is that every single person is a witch and they don't know it unless they've been outed due to "Extreme" behavior...or by today's standards, anything outside of a very calm, sedated affect, and of non-questioning, complacent and conformist attribute.

Don't question.
Don't think.
Don't blink.
Don't fear.

If you do any of the're clearly a mentally ill terrorist

edit on 17-1-2013 by ProperlyErrant because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:17 PM

Originally posted by HenryNorris
What a great idea.

Its about time we starting calling these agendas out.

What this whole thing is really about is political dissidents. Soon, if you question your government, you will be insane and locked up. That is what this is about.

this ^


posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:33 PM
reply to post by Wrabbit2000

I am glad...actually no... ecstatic that you are looking carefully and critically at the mental health angle. Not a lot of people are doing this. I work in the field and know how incredibly dangerous and ripe for abuse it is, so I'm more inclined than most to reconsider what others my think are obvious "solutions".

Having said that the MH angle is a very very difficult one to do "right" because its predominantly theory based with very lose factual data to support their claims/treatments.

I agree the Rx pad is abused to the highest degree and it seems that most of the Dr. in the psych field can't deal with MH issues outside of one...this is the dangerous part.

The solutions people are offering with gun control and mental health screening etc are putting our fates in the hands of doctors and police...neither of which are immune to mistakes and critical errors in judgement as they are humans as well.

It is indeed a very very very slippery slope...and to be honest mental health control concerns me more than gun control.
edit on 17-1-2013 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:07 PM
All kinds of normal emotions and behaviors are being looked at as mental illnesses, all so psychs and pharmacy companies they are tied to can make a boatload of money......

Lose a spouse, or loved one, or pet? Well, you need this pill, you are depressed! It is getting more and more convoluted.

I know plenty of people diagnosed with various mental illnesses, both very real, and some I believe to be totally made up. Guess what? They all have plenty of guns and ammo, and have not gone off the deep end and killed anyone. The ones that do are a tiny fraction of the mentally ill. Yet the same type of people that think all gun owners should be punished for the tiny minority of screwups that go on rampages, also think people with "mental illness" should lose their natural right to defend themselves and their families. Screw that!
edit on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 22:07:59 -0600 by TKDRL because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 10:56 PM
I think the APA really just will do anything to dance around the fact that most of these mass shooters were getting psychiatric care and were on psychiatric medications.
Just as an example, if all of these mass shooters were NFL players, would we listen to the coaches on their advice on what to do about it?

posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 11:06 PM
Wait until the IRS has formalized and put into force the affordable care act, it's provisions and penalties. Then the government will have a distinct profile of individuals tax info and health information in one network.
edit on 17-1-2013 by Daedal because: Edit


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