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Hypothetically speaking, if assault weapons are banned what liberties will you be losing?

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posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 11:13 PM

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by rockoperawriter

Why cant we have RPG's and anti tank mines then?

Or maybe some mortars incase your neighbors down the street dont like you protesting funerals and picking with signs that say GOD HATES FAGS..... THANK GOD FOR IED'S!!!!!

You dont think Fred Phelps would love to kill a hundred unbelievers with some rockets?

This argument is so stupid. Use some common sense or gtfo.

posted on Jan, 18 2013 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by mademyself1984

Originally posted by Wertdagf
reply to post by rockoperawriter

Why cant we have RPG's and anti tank mines then?

Or maybe some mortars incase your neighbors down the street dont like you protesting funerals and picking with signs that say GOD HATES FAGS..... THANK GOD FOR IED'S!!!!!

You dont think Fred Phelps would love to kill a hundred unbelievers with some rockets?

This argument is so stupid. Use some common sense or gtfo.

You can have those things! Many in America do! Title II items can be transferred on a form4 with $200.00 tax stamp! Americans have f-16's, Migs, Tanks, Artillery, Machineguns you name it we got it!

There are hundreds of millions of semi auto assault rifles in America and many times that amount exist as demilled parts kits which are in fact full auto machine guns etc.. The last assault rifle ban just saw the manufactures who were affected cutting their guns to meet ATF requirements, and sending in four times as many to maintain the same profit margins. Most 80%+ come in country with full auto fire control components. I don't think you realize just how well armed the American populous is. The American people constitute the largest armed force in the world! If I were on the gun control side of the issue I think I would tread pretty lightly! The second will stand like it or not!

All political power comes out of the barrel of a gun! Even if you get your legislation there will be no seizure and the guns that are grandfathered in will be available all the same! You may make it illegal to assemble a parts kit and ban guns yet to be produced, but this won't stop any criminals out there at all!

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner. Liberty is a well armed sheep!

America in open revolt could well be the bloodiest event in all of recorded history!

To answer the OP. If we use recent history as a reference then what we surrender could well be our very existence or that of our descendants! Dont forget 200 million+ died as direct result of tyranical goverment in the 20th century alone!

In America our highest offices and our main stream media outlets are for sale to the highest bidder! Our goverment sponsors the death of hundreds if not thousands of children in Syria today. Kills children and other inocents with drones daily. Sponsored the killing of hundreds of thousands in Iraq and beyond (Some say one million+ in Iraq alone!). Kills Americans without trial or any type of due process.

White House wins fight to keep assassinations of Americans secret.

Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, Mao’s China, Pol Pot’s Cambodia, etc, all contained disarmed populations. The guns were gone, and as a result millions upon millions died!

The Patriot Acts, the FISA domestic spy bill, the bailouts of corrupt international banks, attempts at CISPA and SOPA, actions like the NDAA authorizing the treatment of U.S. citizens as “enemy combatants” without rights to due process; all paint a picture so clear only a one-celled amoeba (or your average suburban yuppie) would not see it. You and I, and everyone else for that matter, have been designated potential targets of the state.

Gun free zones are targeted because they are defenseless, just like and unarmed populous can be targeted!

If you want to live in a country with a 100% gun ban move to Mexico! Personally I would be afraid to live there, but I am certain you would find it safe as can be!

Lest we forget, this crazy talk of tyrannical goverment and mass death has manifested itself throughout history time and time again. I know it hard for us to imagine this in today's world but the same can be said for those who lived in 1930's Europe. History has seen thousands of men who make Lanze look like a saint!
edit on 19-1-2013 by Donkey_Dean because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:18 AM
reply to post by POPtheKlEEN89

Aesthetic choice.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:25 AM

Originally posted by CaptainBeno
Most of the "dudes" on this site want to pump massive amounts of bullets into you should you enter their property at night. Serious amounts of firepower! Multipul rounds per second, smashing and pulverising bone and sinew. They gotta make sure the job is done and make sure it's massive overkill with lots of manly noise!

Seems a simple single bullet is not required anymore.
edit on 16-1-2013 by CaptainBeno because: Stuff.............bad.

I love these posts from someone who knows absolutely nothing about shooting...hehe
Some of you may ask how would I know this poster knows nothing....well read his post...

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 01:28 AM
So... lest me ask this question back at you all, what do you expect will happen if ARs are banned? With less than 400 murders per year from them, and that is 22s, bolt action and ARs all lumped into that less than 400 number, what will Banning them do?

BTW an AR is not an assult assult weapon is one that can go full auto, and none of these can do that. Should we ban because a gun looks kind of like an assult weapon...that is what we are talking about here.

edit on 19-1-2013 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 03:10 AM
If Someone took my (Non existent) Guns..... I am not sure it'd matter. This may seem like an immature opinion but it seems that its not the problem that you can't protect yourself, it's that you don't like something of yours is being taken away and you can't help it. Criminals get their guns the same places you do so I doubt you'll be any less safe. A good wack in the garden of good and evil with a blunt object is generally enough to incapacitate an intruder. And I am pretty sure without their guns, robbers may feel less inclined to intrude upon your home.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 03:12 AM
reply to post by POPtheKlEEN89

"What liberties"???

If a law is passed outlawing my right to own a weapon then "hypothetically" my "liberty" to own that weapon will be lost.....

This has to be a joke...

"Hypothetically if dissent is banned what liberty will you be losing?"

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Pervius
American's don't have a right to Privacy or even a Right to their Life anymore.

Nobody said squat when Congress gave the President authority to kill Americans without a Trial.
Detain Americans in military prisons indefinitely without a trial.

The United States of America no longer exists.

Hope everyone enjoys their mandatory ObamaCare Tax in 2014......that new law of 10,000+ pages is taking away many liberties.

You're right, and you know I think in a way things like this are pushing American's to arm up even more as a reaction to all of this (in part). They see this wild Beast thrashing around, seeming to step on everything it can and it has alot of American's in a constant prepare and defend mode. No wonder they're arming up as fast as they can. When it all finally goes over the cliff they want to be as ready as possible.

posted on Jan, 19 2013 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

you can present that arguement to al CIAda. mines are not hard to make if you have a nail, a board a bullet and a buried can of gas along the beaten path but i digress, were talking about a weapon that can be used to lay down supressive fire. an rpg is used to destroy large areas with an explosion. do you see the difference here? also i could care less about the church down the block protesting gay people. gay people will be as gay as they have been their whole life so i'll enjoy being heterosexual
baaaa baaa ha ha ha ha

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by rockoperawriter

RPG's are typicaly shaped charges that use molten coper to penetrate several inches of steel. A bullet, a nail, and a can of gas isnt gonna do anything.... maybe if they rode in on a tricycle.

posted on Jan, 20 2013 @ 02:14 PM
reply to post by Wertdagf

or on foot. if you want to take out a tank take out it's tracks or high center it. the germans in world war II used concrete for tank traps immobilizing sherman tanks. tanks were taken out by protestors in tianamen square with similar principal. you high center a tank and it becomes a brazen bull.

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