posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 04:13 PM
I have been thinking about this subject as well as the very recent new "Search" features unfurled on Facebook:
I am feeling like the scenarios in "1984" HAVE arrived: it will only be a matter of time before money or other "perks" will be offered to those
"solid citizens" who "turn in" their neighbors and or people THEY feel are a "threat to society..."Any of us who are unique individuals or who
color outside the lines when it comes to hobbies or abilities will be "suspect" by the sheep among us! They will search and spy and become
"upstanding" in their quest to take a higher moral ground that will be clearly defined by these thugs in office.
Personal information be it real, created, or destroyed will be a valuable commodity in their plans.
It's just ironic to me that all of a sudden, "privacy settings" of many types and in many places are freshly-defined as "progressive thinking" (I
feel it's cyber-stalking at it's finest,LOL!)
The fact that sensitive personal history could be shared via the medical community/insurance companies (and yes,I firmly believe much of this relates
to the insanity that will be "Obamacare") at random and potentially could be used against a "patient" and not in the name of "medical care" by
private individuals is truly scary to me.
Please...many doctors already already get "kickbacks" from drug companies and the government...what a can of worms this would open!!! Corruption
simply breeding MORE of the,."What's it worth to you for me clean up your medical history of antidepressants, painkillers,etc?"
I am suddenly being FORCED to think and consider my options and actions tyically even small ones like a bloody paranoid idiot because of this "new
reality?" I realize privacy no longer exists but I'll be dammed if some moron will be lurking over my shoulder at a GYN appointment trying to
"assess my mental state" and believe they hold the fate of my future as an individual with free will in the stroke of their pen on a chart!!!
I truly hope some genuinely caring medical pros will set up a new style of system for care OUTSIDE of these insane parameters...I predict they will
This is all escalating very quickly...there is an underlying reason and it's bigger than gun control.