posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 02:23 PM
Would the internet still be up? Where is the world's largest collection of porn right now? Because you're about to be very, very lonely.....
1. Find some antibiotics.
2. Find books about crisis dentistry and doing surgery on yourself.
3. Find a house well away from the others, preferably a building in the middle of a vast parking lot. Because without an active fire department, it
is only a matter of time until a fire springs up; and in a built-up area, the sparks will leap from building to building and burn your refuge down.
4. Ditch my crappy little Subaru and find either a Hummer, or better yet a diesel pickup.
5. Load up on guns, ammo, night-vision and then food and water supplies.
6. Start a very very large garden.
7. Go hunting.
8. Begin to to talk to yourself. mumbling at first, then profanity-laced tirades at top volume as the weeks pass. Build yourself a mannikin; even a
volleball with a smeared face drawn on it would do. Befriend it. Fall in love with it, then watch it betray you. Then fly into a murderous rage and
kill it. Go on a self destructive rampage and set fire to the ruins of your extinct snivilization. madness. yes, MADNESSS A-HAHAHAHAHAHAHH>>>...