posted on Jan, 15 2013 @ 08:25 AM
Just whom do you suppose is mutilating cattle, humans and whatever else? Just whom is kidnapping millions of people around the world - never to be
seen again?
Do you propose that it is our governments that are responsible for these acts of atrocity? Precision laser cuts and removal of left eye, tongue, ears,
anus and reproductive organs with a complete loss of blood in the animal or human being - these being done by our government?
It appears whomever is doing this does not want disabled children and once abducted the disabled are returned apparently unharmed. Sometimes twenty or
more miles away from where last seen with parent who is now missing with no clues as to where the parent went!
I must admit that it is not beyond human experimentation on unwilling victims but I also feel it is highly unlikely that humans are responsible for
the disappearances and or mutilations - that now number in the millions or billions.
Sometimes the truth is as strange as fiction - maybe the Owl people did it, maybe some mad scientists like Monsanto seems to have employed to change
the genetic structures of natural earth born or made products.
With billions of people inhabiting this planet we appear to have become expendable and of no great moment or value to investigate just where the
missing people went. Who is responsible for the mutilations - does our government care or are they covering up that which they already know and
possibly agreed to allow.
After all what is a few million people to experiment on when our earth population is hitting the three hundred billion mark. What does it matter that
cattle disappear and return and no earthly predator will scavenge their mutilated bodies.
I don't suppose there is any way to calculate how many wildlife have been taken - who cares about wildlife, deer, bison, and birds - maybe even
insects all to what purpose. If we can calculate how many cattle and humans are missing or mutilated - why is it improbable to stretch those events
out to also cover other innocent creatures.