posted on Jan, 16 2013 @ 07:36 PM
Something strange here in NW Kansas though. Day before the Java info came out my computer started to run slower then before.
Next came the phone system, rings once, lags or like speaker phone, even when you talk there is like some other hollow time lag. Sat was the worst!
Most of the day the phone system was down, internet was so slow might as well used my 386x2 system!
Would say it would be strange if it was just my house, not really! But the whole town and a few other around town? # days have passed and the phones
seem to work better now, still the ring or two though. Today the computer is very slow, yesterday it was just fine.
Did uninstall Java 7 days ago so any ideas? Phones I mean land lines and cells! Just thought my phone company might have Java as its top program and
it shut Java down for the time being.
No black SUV's, no UFO's; hell nothing happens here........Opps forgot about the 3 uhauls at 4:30am who go by every 3 day like clock work though!
Passing the town I mean. Could it be the mail man?