posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 05:26 PM
reply to post by brace22
Welcome to ATS and congratulations on your first post.
I don't think the UK is being primed for disclosure. This is something that would need to happen worldwide.
I have no idea if there were more stories or not in the national press. They were more likely to have been prompted by the final releases from the
National Archives of the UFO documents and the closure of the UFO reporting desk and the "silly season" just before the Olympics.
Now despite Nick Pope's high media profile I suspect this was little more than a PR desk designed to downplay any incidents to the public and media
and was often left out of the loop in matters of extreme national security.
It will be a long slow process if disclosure of ET life ever happens and the whole world will be part of the exercise. It's taken over 65 years and
we haven't even reached the smallest level of disclosure. If it is coming it will be "
...we found an alien microbe on Mars (or a meteorite,
Europa etc.)". A little bit more exciting would be a signal from a a planet light years away confirmed on radio telescopes.
I would be mightily surprised if anything more than that happens in the next few years. But we live in surprising times.