posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 03:31 PM
Originally posted by bluemooone2
Welcome to ATS friend , but please be advised that for now anyway the site owners are very sensitive to the families of the sandy hook shootings and
posting that here would be a no no big time also .
If we are gona be in error here its best to err on the side of decency , and if you think about it I bet you would agree.
By the way welcome to the best site going
Thank you very much for the response and the welcome
What I tried to do in this situation was attempt to look at it from other people's perspectives. Fortunately I don't have a direct parallel in my
life, but I can at least try to look at it with a vaguely analogous situation:
My grandfather recently died, I thought very highly of him and he was awarded a medal for storming the beaches of Normandy in WWII. What if some
people had doubts as to whether my grandfather truly served in the military post as I described, and thus doubted whether he deserved that award?
Well, knowing that many people do in fact lie about things, I would not be offended as long as these people were simply asking honest questions and
not proclaiming publicly that they "knew" he was a liar or spreading false things as fact. In fact, I would be interested to know why people had
these doubts because I could make a public statement addressing all of them and hopefully allay some of the suspicions.
It seems to me that honest inquiry is never offensive.
Another important element is precedent. In my personal research and I'm sure in the research of those on ATS, it has been concluded that many news
stories, even large-scale ones, have been largely fabricated theatrical presentations with the intention of cultural conditioning of some sort. So
knowing this, I would not be offended if people were to suspect that a massive news story with major cultural implications was in some way fabricated
or embellished. Even if the news story is totally true from start to finish, the suspicion itself is completely reasonable.
If I were to describe myself I'd say I'm looking for a forum where subjects that are generally met with irrational emotional outbursts can be
discussed calmly and sensibly, because I consider most of reality to be unknown. However, if certain subjects are off-limits then I will definitely
adhere to those rules, I'd prefer to establish the parameters early on so that I don't stir up any trouble in this community.
Thanks again for your response and welcome