posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by GoOfYFoOt
I was not attempting to evade your questions. As stated in another response, there is no reliable independant media that I am aware of up here and I
do not watch tv so any information I receive is through word of mouth when it comes to issues of that nature. Like I said, I am not a nationalist, as
we actually have less freedom up here to change things than you guys do and the cops are beyond brutal at times. Couple that with the fact that we
gave up our right to bear arms long ago, I would say that Canada is already farther down the curve to tyranny than you guys are. I will say, however,
that Stephen Harper seems to be mirroring your policies up here, which means what flies in the US, goes the same for us, so if you lose the rest of
your rights, guess what that means for me. I know you're probably thinking that I'm a defeatist, but I can't exactly go out and protest as 1)I am deaf
and 2)The only jobs that I can get hired for do not pay very much and they won't promote me because they view my hearing as a safety risk, which means
travelling is out of the question, so I am relegated to do all of my activism on the computer. Also, being that the "sheepish masses" are even more
deluded up here than they seem to be down there, I don't see what good it would do getting myself put on the black list when all I'm doing is beating
my head against a brick wall, so I use my skills where I feel they are needed, regardless of nationality. Such is the awesomeness of the interwebz. It
allows me to independantly research and become active on issues throughout the world with people throughout the world. If you could explain to me what
exactly is going on with the Idle No More resistance, I would be very appreciative and maybe then I can tell you what I think about it. (Maybe
preferably in a U2U so thread derailing can be kept to a minimum)
edit on 14/1/2013 by xXxinfidelxXx because: (no reason given)