posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 07:06 AM
I have no idea where to post this so here goes...
I'm familiar with the lost time experience - it sort of goes hand in hand with alien abduction but is anyone familiar with a surplus time experience?
I had one on the way to work this morning which has me left feeling like someone's playing a practical joke on me, or warning me.
Normally, I wouldn't mind the extra time and whenever this happened before, I dismissed it as misreading my watch or something but this morning, my
alarm went off as usual. I checked the kitchen clock as my alarm clock has been known to do it's own thing from time to time. I got dressed, checked
my office clock and noticed I had to hurry to catch my bus.
I left the house, locked the door, checked my wrist watch and noted that I had to really move it to catch my bus. It was -30 C outside so I was keen
to get onto the warm bus and I got to my stop with about 5 mins to spare but the bus never came. It's not uncommon for buses in my town to run early
so I had no other choice but to start walking to work and pick up the next bus on my route in half an hours time.
Walking is freezing cold like this (it was also windy) warps your sense of time and reality anyway, so all I remember of the walk is that I was
freezing my ass off and even with my down jacket and hood on, I needed to get inside soon as my hands were numb, as were my legs all the way to my
Well the bus comes and I get on. I sort myself out and then near the end of my ride, I turn on my phone to check my emails and notice the time says
7:15 am, which is around the time my alarm clock went off. I figured my phone must be suffering from the cold so I checked my watch and it also says
7:15 and when I get to work, I find that it is indeed early in the morning.
I checked my wrist watch at least half a dozen times this morning while getting ready for work and waiting for the bus to arrive. I then confirmed the
time change with the same watch so it's not someone in my house messing with me.
So what gives? I've had some strange experiences over the past 6 months so I'm not so quick to dismiss this event as my mind playing tricks on me.