posted on Jan, 13 2013 @ 09:48 AM
Alright ladies and gents I have a scenario for you. A girl recently asked me to go on vacation with her and her friends/family in the summer. It was
stated like hey you should come with us. Now before this I was never sure if she was interested and aside from that she was dating someone. He's out
of the picture.
When she asked I said I'd think about it. Keep in mind I've never met her friends or family and it's not exactly cheap so I thought that was fair.
When I said maybe she seemed really happy. Fast forward a week and I approached it leaving her a way out if she wasn't really serious about it. I
said were you serious about the vacation. She replied oh you'll go. Then she went on for minute about how many were going etc. I figured I end it
with a well did you want to get together before then?
She quickly mentioned something about the next week them getting together. I found that a little odd since it effectively cut me off and wasn't
exactly what I meant but figured it'd be a good intro. and I'd move on from there. I could have even sworn she brought her friends around to check me
out since we work in the same place. The next day she shut down for the most part. She was still nice but I could see she was distant. So I waited
about two days to ask her the specifics about next week. She was not there for one day and I wasn't sure if I'd catch her again before it. As I said
earlier she cut me off so I didn't even get a chance to exchange contact info.
When I asked her I got the run about. She wasn't sure because one her friends might not be able to make it.. Then she throws out well you can bring
whoever you want with you the more the merrier.. The rest of the day she was nice but I could see she wasn't flirty or anything.
So I'm left scratching my head. At this point I have no idea what's going to happen or if I should bother asking about it again. If I'm not at least
going with her/meet everyone who is going that'd be just plain awkward. I could go on my own vacation at that point.
I find out later she had a date later that week. The strange part was she already knew she was going out with this guy when I said I'd go. I left her
the chance to back away from the offer so why didn't she? Is she hoping I just forget about it or say I wont go? I'm kind of at a loss at how to
approach this from this point on. It kind of hurt because I did really like her. There's a part of me that still says she's interested but I just
might be ignoring whats in plain sight. So what say you denizens of ATS? What is going on and what should I do?
edit on 13-1-2013 by
DetectiveT because: (no reason given)
edit on 13-1-2013 by DetectiveT because: (no reason given)