Humanity is the only thing that exists on this planet that is truly flawed. If humanity's purpose is to destroy this planet then we may be perfect.
Please do not view this thread as anything other than a thought exercise. I have no problem with appearing to be an idiot and I have gone out of my
way to make myself seem like a fool.
Exactly, but we do not know the true purpose of humanity - therefore it is all an assumption - to consult a spirit (or a god) to tell you would just
be another perspective...
The universe is a very strange and mysterious place.I don't claim to know much; but if you can see a Full Moon on a cloudy day....anything is
I do not believe that there is any intelligent life on our planet and to me that is the most IRONIC thing I can think of. As a species it seems like
we are a bad joke on the rest of the universe; but I am sure that somewhere someone or something is laughing.
I just tried to edit my last post and was denied(four hours my.......). I must admit that there IS intelligent life on our planet(but not very much).
I have just read a couple of very insightful posts on this sight and I must admit that I was wrong.We are now what I would call a semi-intelligent
species(thanks to the few). I love the irony of it all!
The Stoker family hails from my town. It seems that I live in some sort of weird nexus of celebrity(more than what you might think). Or has my mind
finally fragmented into little pieces?