posted on Jan, 14 2013 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by IDKWTB
GunIgnorants continue their blind attack on guns and their owners, a favorite target has been "high Capacity Magazines".
When the 2ND AMENDMENT and RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS... SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED is rightfully interjected, the
GunIgnorants always, ALWAYS say
something to the tune of:
"Well, I'm sure our ForeFathers were talking about single shot muskets, not THESE "ASSAULT" RIFLES that can fire 30
High capacity, rapid fire WITH MUSKETS, is exactly what our ForeFathers strived for... and ACCOMPLISHED .
Our ForeFather's version of "Automatic" was multiple guns and a well trained wife and children who could reload the discharged firearm as fast as they
were handed to them. This is a FACT.
Although, each musket required reloading after each shot, our ForeFathers compensated by lining up in rows, firing a volley of perhaps 30 to 100
rounds at once, then moving backwards to reload while another line replaced then and fired, etc.
"High Capacity Fire" was standard proceedure in both the "cabin" and battlefield.
Therefore, to claim "our ForeFathers were not thinking of a weapon that can fire 30 shots without reloading" is quite incorrect. Our ForeFathers were
not only thinking and practicing the concept of "High Capacity" and Volley Fire, they were searching for ways they could INCREASE it.
edit on 1/14/2013 by Vascopolis because: Learning to work with sizes and color...