A little epiphany that has been nagging at my sub conscious for a while now, which I've decided to actually listen to.
I'm a needy person. I need things. Everyday I need something be it a cup of coffee a cigarette a piece of cake or a glass of wine, these things I
need, and everyday someone fulfills my need. Someone I've never met, probably never will, but that someone services my need/s and yours.
Let's take something simple such as a cup of coffee. I have no idea how coffee is made until it reaches my house in my storage jar and I boil the
kettle and make it. That's as far as my knowledge goes. But....saying that....the guy who grows the coffee has no idea how its frozen or labelled or
manufactured into jars. The guy on the conveyor belt sticking the labels on the jars has no idea how the coffee is grown or marketed, the advertising
gurus and marketers haven't a clue how its grown or freeze dried and the Company Director of the coffee company has no idea about either or any of
those things, he just runs the company.
So, in effect when I get my morning cuppa, quite possibly a few hundred or even thousand people have made that possible. We all collaborated to fill
my need.
If I was a self sufficient type person, I would in all likelihood have to forego my cuppa as I've no idea how to make it unless I mastered the skills
to make it and all the related steps to get that wonderful morning cuppa, therefore I would be in lack and not a very happy old bird!
Collaboration = wealth & happiness
self sufficiency = poverty & lack
We have been lead to believe that society is based on and has its roots in money, I believe that whilst money plays a huge role in our society at
present, society throughout the ages has always and will always be based on need & skills. The barter system was evidence of this. You needed
something, you traded something for it whether it be a skill or an item you produced but it still boiled down to need
Collaboration = wealth & happiness
self sufficiency = poverty & lack
Therefore, I think it goes without saying (but of course I'm going to
) that if you have no skills you cannot fulfill other people's needs and
therefore are percieved as having little or no value. It doesn't matter in this society that you may be a wonderful person, kind to animals and
kisses his mum goodnight everynight, if you are unemployed those traits count for nothing, it you have no skills then you are invisible.
My car breaks down. I've no idea how to fix it. Some guy comes along stops and offers to help which I accept. I have a need for someone to fix my
car. He lifts up the bonnet/hood and umms and ahhs for a bit before saying "I'm a nice guy you know and a good listener" I nod but then ask him if
he can fix the car He tells me that he's good with kids and loves animals I'm getting frustrated now and say "Ok great but can you fix my car?" He
accuses me of being a bit shallow and not appreciating his good points I by this time lose my temper a touch and tell him I don't care if he's the
second coming, if he can't fix my car he's of no value to me. I don't need a nice warm hearted guy I need a mechanic!
I knew a surgeon when I lived in London. He was an obnoxious arrogant arse and for the life of me I couldn't find one redeeming quality in the man,
but when I needed an operation, he was the one I went to. He had skill, it didn't matter what he was like as a person, I needed him.
So in essence, being doesn't cut it....its the doing that counts
You can be all you want but if you don't do then your value decreases, so some of us need to make changes in order to fulfill needs and thereby
increase our value and gain respect. Change is hard, misery is easy. The second you try and make changes there will be those who will try and stop
Your fat friend will try and stop you losing weight saying you don't need to, your unemployed friend will tell you there's no need to work and
won't want to see you successfully start a career. Why do they do that? Because they are not doers, they are not creators, they do not fulfill any
need. They live in fear of failure and its far easier to slag off others than actually do something themselves, after all if you never do anything
you can't be critcised can you?
If you bring nothing to the table then don't except to eat at it!!
So despite the concensus stating that we are NOT our jobs, I think we most definitely are! Let me put it this way, if you were to die tomorrow you
would be remembered for what you did, not what you were i.e. Fireman dies in house fire, Film Star dies in drug overdose, Miner dies in underground
cave in.....the headlines wouldn't read Kind Hearted Person dies in Crash or Good Listener Drowns in River
I could go on and probably on a bit more lol but I know how folk like to read in bite sized snack portions so I'll leave it there
For now