posted on Jan, 12 2013 @ 04:40 AM
Alex Jones is really helping the left in this country out more than Piers Morgan ever could. He jumps up screaming and hollering like Billy Badass,
then immediately turns around a plays the victim. It's complete self promotion and a distortion of the issues. Alex is the left's poster child of
what they want you to think or someone being on the right is. Now, I've followed Alex for years. He's always been entertaining and has made some
very interesting points, but the more attention he gets, the more out of control he gets. Don't be fulled by the recent gun and Obama issues. Alex
Jones never has been a conservative in a political sense. There are 2 things Alex Jones loves the most, attention and audience and 2 things he hates
the most, being proven wrong and being disagreed with. You know you have problems when Glenn Beck stops and says "WOW, that guy is a psycho!" and
the have your whole FEMA camp theory and evidence all debunked on the national conservative platform, Fox News. I would like true people to come forth
that can logically present a case like George Noory, Art Bell, Jim Mars or even Jessie Ventura. All of them are smart enough to stay focused and
reason with naysayers, but Alex Jones will be the downfall of all progress that is being made to bring the truth to light. For that to happen we need
someone who can handle the national platform with intellect, not force. In truth, Alex claims to be a christian (which I believe that religion is the
driving force behind most conspiracies) but really is anti-government, not anti-Obama. He's an Anarchist, Which is fine but just admit it already.