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If Alex Jones does make it back on air, he should definitely not explode like last time. He embarrassed himself and all those considered to be
conspiracy theorists.
Its not that he wants him back.. he was asked would he have him back, which he replies in the context of yeah why not... know it may seem picky but it
slightly annoys me when headlines are misleading.. reminds me of a tabloid.. ats is not a tabloid!
Don't know about the US but Morgans talk shows were pretty popular in the Uk however he did seem to favour to meet people who had a sketchy past
drugs/alcohol/extra marital affairs for example.. What really annoys me about him is that 90% of the people he had on show would be crying by the end
of it which I found profoundly odd. Just remember this man was a snooping reporter who exposed a lot of life changing stories for a lot of celebs but
yet they would go on his shows and break down like weak children... Does anyone else find that a little strange. I don't trust him or his media hyped
up enterprise.
Popular with who? The brain dead strictly come dancing / on ice / jungle / celeb big brother watchers and the poor poor dead in the water
celebrities desperate to kick start their careers?.
Not feeling much sympathy really.
To Piers credit he didn'y lie or deny he'd given Alex enough rope to hang himself with. Alex should go back, but he really needs to tone it way down
and act like an adult.
edit on 9-1-2013 by Suspiria because: (no reason given)
If Piers morgan has any guts he would get Gerrald Celente and Max Keiser to debate him as well at the same time. Then watch his credibility shrink to
The worst thing is, Piers Morgan doesn't give a damn about Sandy Hook. This is all about increasing his own exposure in America. He's a self serving
narcissist with an over inflated ego. I'm sick of seeing his smug face.
Alex jones is doing the same thing.
They both have huge egos that need constant feeding.