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Youtube forces users to link their account to gmail

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posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 11:36 PM
Actually. Google doesn't -directly- make money off your Android handset either. Google provides Android for free to all of it's hardware partners, and really anyone who wants it. The only exception to that case would be if you own a Nexus device, but I doubt that, as you don't seem to like Google.

That being said, the way Google can provide those services FOR FREE to you, is because Google is primarily selling the ability to show ads to you via the use of those FREE services. That's how Android makes Google so much money, ads, and app revenue. It's not from the actual Operating System as it's open-source and available to anyone.

So do you understand what I'm getting at? Google's PRIMARY product is the ability to sell companies ad placement in all of their services (ex: Android, Chrome, Gmail, Google Search Results, etc). The reason they want you to link accounts and allow cookies and what not is because they want to provide RELEVANT search results which will make them more money in the long run.

The real company you should be worried about is Facebook. They have a proven track record of throwing away user privacy so that we all can "Share" more.

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 11:39 PM
YouTube is free to use. I've used it less and less with all the changes they have made. Losing access to use a random username, the site now requires an email address instead of a username, is quite annoying. To use the service to verify you are an adult if the video requires it, then you must sign in. I rarely sign in anymore. They also screwed up the search feature when you do searches. First of all when you seach for a word, the number of pages is limited to 50 pages regardless if that amounts to only the last few days or not. On certain word searches, spammers clog the postings and the user has no way to block the spammers from their own view. If Google added this feature, they could gain an easy way to identify those blocked by multiple users. Spammers keep changing names but users would be willing to block a spammer if it removed 10 pages of spam in my opinion so that they could view 10 extra pages of valid results.

The additional thing they did to screw up the search feature was to stop the ability to show the latest posted videos in order posted. If I go back and search for videos using a word and I can only search for latest videos posted this past week, I'm not going to want to see all videos posted this past week in random order every time I visit but that is what I get. It is somewhat useable but quite frustrating for a free service. Logging in and losing my separate user name doesn't fix all the search screw ups. I guess someone at google must think things are going great. They probably want site traffic for all the ads but are annoying the crap out of many. As soon as something better comes along, bye, bye YouTube.

I'm posting all this with a hope that someone that runs google realizes they are annoying a lot of people with screwed up limited searches and restricting usernames. It doesn't make sense to me to drive away users when the site collects ad revenue probably based on the number of people visiting.
edit on 8/1/13 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

edit on 8/1/13 by orionthehunter because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Explanation: Uhmmm?

The service is not free to access .. ISP's cost .. BANDWIDTH COSTS OK!

Sure Google doesn't get that money directly .. but without any customers PAYING to log onto the net they wouldn't generate ANY AD REVENUE or profit streams!

Personal Disclosure: @Google ... Go REREAD YOUR MOTTO .. and stop being hypocrits! :shk:

posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by OmegaLogos

It's free to the end user.

It's entirely not free to anybody else in the equation. The way the consumer 'pays' for the service, is by allowing google to track their browing habits and search requests so that they can provide relevant data to the companies who buy such things.

That's how you "pay" to use google services. If you refuse to "pay" to use google services, ie allow them to track your info, than you don't have the right to use the service. Nor do you any sound argument in complaining about that fact.



posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 12:50 AM
The roads are FREE we don't have the right to complain about pot holes or black ice. Just because you pay indirectly for the roads doesn't mean you have a say as they are not your roads they are your govt.s roads. So if you don't like the pot holes or that they are too small for the amount of traffic, don't use them!

As soon as I found out I needed another email address to log into YT, I have not logged into YT. I thought about setting up one with a name thats very close to a google/YT employee. However, its just too much work to watch vids that some doo-gooder thinks is an adult video. I would rather join the people who are not on YT for that reason, just so I don't feel pulled into giving out my real phone number and home address when the next terrorist/excuse arises.

That said, there is a disturbing trend happening in most people today (years before), wait, maybe I am just noticing something that always was... It seems as though, if people can change teams at will, they will pick the winning team no matter what that team stands for, the dirty tactics they use or how may people they kill. This may be the reason people in power, remain in power and why things don't change and why the public does not have a voice unless enough of them group up and SEEM powerful for the switchers that don't like to lose. What ever happened to values and honour?

When mengele corp. claims ownership of the air and lets you have it for free, all the while, pumping gene specific sterilization drugs into it, the ones still alive after a few generations will call them heros. Afterall, history is not written by loosers, right?

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 04:44 AM

edit on 9-1-2013 by Logarock because: never mind

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 04:51 AM
reply to post by MsAphrodite

I agree, I still have an account but have not logged in since I connected my email up but then youtube would not accept my nickname which was oopsems and would not let me get to the member page unless I changed my username and it came up with MY REAL NAME.

fark... I don't care about no privacy but it should be a choice... my email accounts link up to my ID so why the ef should I have to have my real effing name on youtube???

if it links up with gmail and hotmail... and how many times a day I go to the toilet then wtf more do they want???

it is getting beyond user choice now... fark that.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 05:02 AM
reply to post by tothetenthpower

Explanation: St*rred!


The customer is always right ... because money talks and BS walks.

And I agree that as a private business one does have the right as a business to refuse services unto anybody! :shk:

Its a PRIVATE mutual contract after all.

Not catering to the market is not a wise move from the point of view from either the sales dept or the bean counters divison. :w:

Personal Disclosure: So I say let the market forces play out!

P.S. Maybe Bing will pick up more business now!

Anybody got a deepweb search engine to suggest to me via u2u?

Choices ... aren't they great!

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 05:11 AM
8 flags for this, some people need to get outside more, Youtube ARE Google, and them wanting you to like the two together is somehow shocking?

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 05:17 AM

Originally posted by moonrunner
somehow shocking?

well I understand how funny it is, however I this is about choice.

Facebook has stuffed it for MSN also... don't even bother using that anymore... has to link up with my FB account!

I tried to connect to my boss for work to chat online regarding work and it was a big nightmare because we are not allowed to be on FB at work. couldn't use MSN chat or video without FB!!

what a load of bollocks... they are taking away our choices...

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 05:31 AM
How many times have you said here "I wont be using YouTube"

Ok, we get the message.

Like others I can watch clips without logging in. But when I logged in and saved a few in favorites, a black helicopter arrived overhead, sixteen men dressed in black crashed through the roof and dragged me off to a black room somewhere and interrogated me for 74 hours, beat me and then released me.

I don't log on anymore.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 05:46 AM
I suggest you never get a android smart phone then, have to enter gmail account before you can use it and then guess what? Everything is linked. I never had YouTube account until I got this phone and they just made one for me. If they want to know what your looking at they will find out regardless, and wouldn't be hard to link it all back to you anyway. I don't have anything to hide therefore it doesn't bother me. I don't stay logged in for just viewing videos either.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 05:54 AM

Originally posted by Thurisaz

Originally posted by moonrunner
somehow shocking?

well I understand how funny it is, however I this is about choice.

Facebook has stuffed it for MSN also... don't even bother using that anymore... has to link up with my FB account!

I tried to connect to my boss for work to chat online regarding work and it was a big nightmare because we are not allowed to be on FB at work. couldn't use MSN chat or video without FB!!

what a load of bollocks... they are taking away our choices...

The whiny entitlement mentality is truly mind boggling.

Do you really think you're entitled to have everything you want for free?

This is what happens when people grow up and are handed everything, never having to work for things or earn things. They expect everything to just be handed to them the way they want it.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 05:57 AM
You can't complain about something that you do not HAVE to use. It is your choice yo use YT or other Google products. I have an android phone, gmail account, Facebook account etc. and I am fully aware that there is communication of my data between most of them. However, I am in full control of what they see. If I don't want something to become public information or linked to my name I don't post it online. Simple. Not until Google install a 'Telescreen' in my living room or buy my bank will I worry about my personal information being in their hands.

The internet is like any other tool, use it correctly and wisely and make choices based on your personal preferences and you will be just fine. Start posting videos (that for some reason you want to keep anonymous...violent? graphic? or just personal?) and intricate details of your life then be prepared to deal with the consequences.
edit on 9-1-2013 by fiftyfifty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 06:01 AM
I see a lot of posts using the old mantra that if you have nothing to hide, then why worry about privacy? To me, this is disturbing and nothing to
at. It is not about hiding anything, privacy should be championed and cherished above all. Yeah the service is free, and no one is forcing anyone to use their services, however they shouldn't be above scrutiny for their practices. I don't like the current trend of "sharing" all your info, or linking accounts, or sharing data across all devices. People are way too comfortable in giving up their privacy nowadays, and I just don't get it.


posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 07:03 AM
The road is free, you don't own it, so why complain about pot holes? The public pool is free, why complain that children pee in it. The air is free, why complain about polution. Flu vaccines are free, why complain about autism? Farts and BO are free....

ATS is free, why complain about people complaining? Freedom of speech and the knowledge that it could be better.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 07:17 AM

Originally posted by XL5
The road is free, you don't own it, so why complain about pot holes? The public pool is free, why complain that children pee in it. The air is free, why complain about polution. Flu vaccines are free, why complain about autism? Farts and BO are free....

ATS is free, why complain about people complaining? Freedom of speech and the knowledge that it could be better.

There are no alternatives to the existing roads, there is no alternative to the existing air we breath, the alternative to the flu vaccine is flu, farts and BO are a natural phenomenon and can't be changed. The public pool is the only comparable in your list. With this and Youtube, there are alternatives. Either use them and accept the way they are or use an alternative or simply don't use any at all.

Some people see electronic forms of entertainment and information the ONLY option when infact we managed fine before with books, landlines and hardback photo albums. We are not forced to use any of Googles products. If we choose to, we can still live a 'normal life' without the internet and mobile phones. Instead people choose to use popular free to use services and then complain that they don't like how they operate. Sounds a little pathetic don't you think?
edit on 9-1-2013 by fiftyfifty because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by MsAphrodite

I will not debate if google has the right to do that or not.When you create an account they have pages long policy/terms of use that i guess noone bothers to read....
I will give you some solutions:

a)Create a new google account and link that to youtube.Use it just for this and give it to noone.
I don't know now that the new policy has taken place,if you can remove your history.I did it before and my web history(including youtube searches/comments) is empty.
c)Apart from the time that you are logged on youtube,NEVER stay logged on to your gmail account,while doing other things on the net.
d)ask your company for a non-static IP(changes everytime you open your modem)
e)use the deep web for your searches.

The internet is being monitored one way or another and the above suggestions won't prevent much,but it's better than nothing.

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 08:49 AM
been that way for at least two years now that know of ... meh why bother register when can still view without logging into anything ...

posted on Jan, 9 2013 @ 09:02 AM
reply to post by MsAphrodite

well this isn't new, maybe they are rolling it out at different times, but I was made to do that something like a year ago. It's google consolidating all of their services, which they spent a lot of time informing people of, you know, all those little pop ups you ignored? Yeah, maybe read them next time.

Secondly.... who cares? I don't see what the problem is, make another google account if it bothers you so much and link it to that one.

I personally don't see a different, or care, it's one less service to log into.

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