posted on May, 6 2003 @ 10:56 AM
The entire city of Huntsville is flooded, its up to 7 ft deep in parts. A guy on the news said that he had never seen anything like this the entire
time that he has lived here. My mom teaches at this high school, and their building is located on the first floor of the community college. The first
floor has flooded and they have evacuated people to the second floor, so my mom and sister are going to be stuck there for quite some time. Outside of
the building, around that area, dumpsters and cars are floating. My brother is also trapped at his middle school. A major road which connects South
and North Hsville is terribly flooded and hummers can barely drive through it.. This is so wierd. I have never seen flooding like this in this part in
my life. My stepdad, who has lived here for 40 or so years, said that it has never been like this.
[Edited on 6-5-2003 by mirrorsparadise]