posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 04:23 PM
I posted this in another thread but thought it deserved a thread of its own. I think this documentary gives a good picture of what is happening on the
ground in Syria. I'm not going to say whether it is accurate but I am leaning towards it being likely correct.
The video is based around journalists who are moving with the SAA in Syria and at times are caught up in the cross fires. Civilians who have lost
loved ones are interviewed, A Pro Syrian media crew are kidnapped only to be rescued by the SAA. I think we are being lying to and I don't see how
people can buy this anymore.
There are also confessions from a few of the rebels apparently but who knows, maybe they are just being told what to say. They explain how they would
walk into peoples homes and kill them, even to the point of killing children in their sleep. Others would walk into a city, kill random people to
instill fear into the population. With that, the rebel fighters would always be high on drugs to the point that if they were shot, they would not feel
it and simply walk off.
The Syrian Diary is a Russian documentary on current events in Syria produced by TV
Rossiya 24. The documentary is in Russian but this version has English subtitles. Most graphic scenes are either pixilated or blurred, but it takes
nothing away from the message the documentary conveys.
For the lot of us who don’t live with our head up our butts, war in Syria is not what mainstream media want us to believe it is. Unfortunately, most
people do live with their heads up their butts and for them seeing the forest is not an option with all the trees in the way. I don’t actually know
what is sadder – the fact that mercenaries rape, kill and pillage throughout Syria for money, or that the sheep still think that they’re the good
The evidence is compelling and I think it would be good if people had a look at the Pro Assad side of things. What we need to remember is that those
people are human also, are serving their country regardless of what Assad has done and are only protecting their loved ones. But with that also, I
think that its a great time to get this out especially after what Assad said in his speech. It seems he isn't far from the marker.
I cannot upload the video because the website asks for an 18+ conformation but the link is added above. If someone else can it would be much
appreciated. The video runs for roughly 45 minutes and I'm sure who ever takes a peek will not regret it. The video is spoken in Russian but sub
captions make it easier for us to understand what they are on about. i look forward to peoples opinions, thanks...