posted on Jan, 17 2013 @ 06:27 AM
To be honest, I'm getting pretty jaded about gaming. The only PC game that I found to be really engaging was Skyrim, and the other for fast action
was Left 4 Dead 1 & 2. Aliens: Colonial Marines looks to be on a par with Left 4 Dead, as it follows the same game dynamic, but time will tell.
Been looking at Elder Scrolls Online and can't quite make my mind up about it at the moment. What has been presented in the videos looks overly
complex, but what will really make it a 'hit' or 'miss' is how they deal with the cheaters and hackers...if anything spoils a game it is them
buggers. Most of the other games mentioned are just fringe glitter, shells with no substance or engagement value.
So yeah, feeling pretty jaded with games as there is not one single game looking to set new levels of originality or engagement, just the same loop
over and over again, run around, kill stuff, amass treasure, die, respawn, carry on ad nauseum.