posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 07:29 AM
I watched the video and yes AJ gets a umm how would you say rambunctious?? I cannot stand Piers Morgan!! AJ gave HIM the emotional response that PM
usually gives to others. How ironic....
Protection FROM Tyranny is what our 2nd amendment is all about. Period.
And the government gangs have been trying to figure out a way to take our rights away one chip at a time....
I have said this before and I will say it again... I live out in the country, how long would it take to get ANY help from an armed robber?
Sorry, do not stand between a mother or father protecting their children! I would blow someone away if I THOUGHT they were there to hurt me or
mine...Even my children are educated enough to show the utmost respect for weapons! Its all about education. They are not allowed to even play with
toy guns. Because guns are not toys. They are meant for hunting game or protection.