posted on Jan, 8 2013 @ 07:51 AM
reply to post by AdamOver
Well, I can only speak for myself. It's not that he sells merchandise or injects personal emotion into his discussions, writings, etc. And I give him
credit where it's due - he has done much to expand people's minds in directions that might never have been the case in his absence.
Rather, it's all of the times he has offered blatant falsehoods or dubious claims as though they were outright fact, or made promises/predictions that
never came to pass, or turned out to be nothing but hyperbole on his part. As just one example, his much hyped interview with President Obama. Now,
one may argue that it was ridiculous to expect such a thing to happen outside of the realm of parody or rhetoric in the first place, but that's just
the thing: he presented it and advertised it for some time as though it was a "huge bombshell," and a real interview. It turned out to be a fictitious
interview conducted by Charlie Sheen of all people. And that's sort of par for the course for Alex Jones.
He's gotten a lot of things right, and done good things, but he's also outright misrepresented things, and made factual assertions that aren't true
(such as claiming that the TSA admits that they steal people's belongings from their baggage, for instance.) Or the countless instances of him saying
something along the lines of, "This is it. I'm sick to my stomach. They are actually going to do it," and offering a vague time frame during which a
false flag terrorist attack might take place, and then never following up on the fact that absolutely nothing happens. He does this habitually.
That said, that doesn't mean his detractors hate him or don't appreciate the good he's done. It's not an either/or, binary proposition. Being critical
of his hyperbole, sensationalism, and arguable over-zealousness is not mutually exclusive with praising his role as a gateway to information and
awareness that might otherwise be lacking for many. Opposing things like overreaching TSA screenings (which I believe they are personally) is - as in
this case - in my view one of the good things he does and has done.
edit on 1/8/2013 by AceWombat04 because: Typo