posted on Jan, 7 2013 @ 09:20 AM
I can not stress this enough I love my country I am privileged to be an American and wish to be nowhere else on the globe.
We are at war with our selves our government and those who controll their purse strings are pushing US further and further against ourselves. Even on
this website where we are encouraged to deny ignorance we bicker and scream at one another while the topic gets derailed and sent into the abyss of
the archives. I surmise that this website has been infiltrated and corrupted by agents of certain interests as we truly pose threat to the system in
it's current form. I have been reading almost all threads and have found members who have not been active in quite some time popping back up to derail
these topics only to vanish into the either once the topic has been successfully killed.
Today I have realised we will loose our second amendment right soon and most likely with little knowledge before it happens I implore all my fellow
patriots to take measures to secure and hide their weapons now leaving only the ones that are not going to be banned in their home. Forge documents of
sale with ambiguous details to make disproving that you have sold them nearly impossible. Why am I encouraging you to break laws that dont yet exists
it's because somethings on the horizon we just can't see it as the smoke screen is to thick but I promise you that it's there. We may be careening
over a financial cliff that will leave the citizenry ready to rebell which won't sit well with our government unless we are disarmed. I believe the
prepper community will be hit first as they are the best prepared for guerrilla warfare followed by veterans and rabble rouser types like my self.
I cannot say for certain what is going to catalyze this uprising but it's the only conclusion that I have been able to come to given the current
course of legislation, acquisition and increased intelligence gathering or government has been doing at this point in time. It all adds up in my
opinion that they are aware of a crisis that is coming within the nextcfew years that will Pitt citizen against governance. It matters not whether
it's through false flag or natural occurrence I believe this to be true. We have all read the thread where the fbi was considering sanctioned killings
of occupy wall street leaders if they are willing to go to that extreme over a small group of dissidents what will they do to a mass uprising. Do not
be fooled into believing that americans will not turn guns on Americans as that document alone proves otherwise make no mistake we are at war with
ourselves. I only hope that peace will prevail but be prepared for it to fail.
edit on 7-1-2013 by oasisjack because: stupid auto correct