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Liposomal Vitamin C This Stuff is Amazing - Thread Summary

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posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:03 PM
The fabulous thread created by ATS Member “dominicus" I Make My own liposomal Vitamin C This Stuff is Amazing has grown so large there have been requests for a summary – so here you go!

First I want to thank dominicus for bringing this amazing information to ATS because it can be life changing for some! And thanks to MegaMind for his contributions in recipes and experimentations!

He was inspired by this article: Vitamin C Mega Dosing Continues to Unleash Healing Miracles Around the World

The mechanics of liposomal encapsulated vitamin C

Cardiologist and orthomolecular specialist Dr. Thomas Levy discovered exactly why the clinical results of this type of oral C could match the efficacy of many times as much vitamin C by IV.

Dr. Levy was skeptical at first. He has treated thousands of patients with IV C and is seriously involved with orthomolecular (high dose vitamin treatment) medicine. He couldn't believe what was happening with this oral C compound's ability to match or surpass clinical results with much higher doses of IV C.

He came to realize that the combination of vitamin C and essential phospholipids radically improved cellular bioavailability. Less than 20 percent of IV C gets into cells. But the Lypo-Spheric compound permits 90 percent of the C to get into cells. That's because cell walls are made of fats. Vitamin C is water soluble.

Tiny particles of vitamin C coated with phospholipids create molecules of vitamin C coated with a substance similar to the cell walls. Thus those coated vitamin C molecules can slip into the cells easily. The encapsulation also avoids diarrhea thresholds of normal oral C.

Though not nearly as expensive, and much more accessible than IV C treatments, the product might not fit long term use on a low budget. So make your own! The homemade version might be slightly less than 90 percent bio-available to your cells.

You can buy Liposomal on the internet but it is fairly expensive. This thread is all about making your own at home which is extremely inexpensive!

And this video:


Stainless Steel Ultrasonic Jewelry Cleaner
Soy or Sunflower Lecithin
100% Pure Ascorbic Acid = Vitamin C
Distilled Water (No tap water because of contaminations)
Blender or better a Braun Hand Held Mixer because it blends better

First of all, at least 30 minutes before you start blending anything, you should:

1.) Pour 3 TBsp Lecithin into 1 cup distilled water and soak at room temperature. Within 25 minutes all the granules should be soft. This is important, do not skip.

2.) In a blender or a narrow, tall (over 7 inch tall) container for a stick or immersion blender, blend the soaked Lecithin for a few minutes. This will blend quickly.

3.) Dissolve the 1 TBsp of Vitamin C crystals in ½ cup of COOL water. Keep stirring until all the crystals disappear. This is important, do not skip.

4.) Combine the Lecithin and Vit C mixtures together with the blender.

5.) Make sure the interior of the sonic cleaner is clean. Fill to max line and run. Change water. Repeat until you feel it’s clean. Do NOT use ANY cleaners, other than natural vinegar. Empty & wipe dry.

6.) Pour the blended emulsion into the sonic cleaner. Keep the lid open, use a plastic straw or non-reactive implement for stirring (something that has not been used for anything else). I sat down in front of the sonic cleaner on the counter with a timer. I set the timer for 30 minutes and kept stirring. Do not skip.

This is where the magic happens. Stirring makes sure as much of the liquid as possible is exposed closely to the sonic element where the encapsulation process happens.

At the end of 30 minutes, all the foam has disappeared.
When done you will have a mix that is about the color of milk. There will be some settling but shouldn't be much, less than 5% of the mix or so.

When done, pour mix into a reseal able GLASS jar and store in your refrigerator.
This protocol furnishes about 12 grams (12000mg.) of vitamin C product.
At 70% encapsulation efficiency, 8400 mg would be of the LET type. This
solution will keep, acceptably, at room temperature for 3 to 4 days.

Refrigerated, it will keep much longer. We use it so fast around our
place...there isn't enough left to be concerned over storage. The
" homogenizing effect " is so powerful that after 3 days at room temperature,
no precipitation or solution separation appears evident.

Dosage: Take on an empty stomach, preferably 1 hour before you eat and don’t eat for 30 minutes after. Dosage varies… from a couple of teaspoons 2 times a day to 1-2 oz. shots 2-3 times a day. You can use the same recipe for Glutathione as well. If you start to get a headache that lasts more than a day, you could either be detoxing or you are having a reaction to the Soy Lecithin and should switch to Sunflower.

Half-way down the page see post by RogerT3 with his instructions and photos of each step.
RogerT Post

How to Make Liposomal Vitamin C
*This link also includes a PH balanced recipe.

Homemade Liposomal C


**** It is always good advice to consult your doctor before starting any new regimen and is not recommend for pregnant women.****

Can you overdose on Mega Vitamin C and can it be toxic?
Answer: No (Perhaps if you consume a stupid amount like a gallon)

Does Liposomal Vitamin C cause diarrhea?
Answer: Mostly No. At least not in moderate amounts. Mega doses of Vitamin C supplements (pills) will because your cells cannot absorb the over the counter supplements and too much in your stomach can cause problems.


Mind clarity
Easier to stay focused
Better Vision
Feeling of peacefulness
More Energy
Reduced hunger levels
Weight Loss
Prevents Radiation Damage
Improved Joints
Improved Hair
Improved Skin
Decreased Chronic back pain
Decreased depression
Decreased allergies
Decreased PMS
Lowered anxiety levels
Better sleeping
Easier to Wake in morning
Hangover Cure
Cures Flues and colds
Cures Bird Flu
Cures Cancer
…and more


Homemade Liposomal Vitamin C – Wiki Spaces Page by 2Serious

edit on 6-1-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

edit on 6-1-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:03 PM


posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:04 PM


Power of Vitamin C By Dr. Tom Levy


200 Reasons To Love Vitamin C

Kidney Diseases and Problems
Inflammation and Infection: The role of massive doses of vitamin C is profound in this case, providing prevention and treatment at saturation levels. Since vitamin C is filtered and "wasted" through the kidneys, it is a virtually custom-made therapy.

Liposomal Study PDF File
For example, a short in vitro treatment of human Burkitt’s lymphoma cells with ascorbate, at 400 μM/L, has been shown to result in approximately 50% cancer cell death.

Reversing Heart Disease With Vitamin C By Linus Pauling

Vitamin C and the Big C: Vitamin C can curb the growth of cancer cells

Science Daily: How Vitamin C Stops Cancer

Vitamin C Prevents Radiation Damage

"Brooks Bradley's Homemade Liposomal C Method
PDF File

edit on 6-1-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:04 PM


edit on 6-1-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:16 PM
Thank you for summarizing!

I think it is time to make some of this.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:25 PM
I have gout and it hurts allot. I take 500MG naproxen and for the last 2 weeks I can hardly walk my left foot is in so much pain and giving me issues this happens sometimes and its starting to feel better but still hard to walk and effects me allot..

would this help me do you think? and could anyone that has made it and it works good for them, could I buy like a 2 week supply from you to test out for cheap, before I spend a bunch of money on that jewelry cleaner and all the stuff to make sure it works, or can you point me to an ebay link that is the same stuff you are making that I can test out and I will just buy it the the first time then I will start making it if it works good?


posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:27 PM
reply to post by Julie Washington

I'm really interested in making this for my husband. He has a bulging disk in his lower back, sciatica and UC. I feel like this would really help him.

Where do I get these ingredients though? Also, do you have to use the sonic jewelry cleaner machine?

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:33 PM
F&S this is so much better than reading the 100's of pages that there is.

Top Job!!!!!

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:43 PM

Originally posted by fictitious
reply to post by Julie Washington

I'm really interested in making this for my husband. He has a bulging disk in his lower back, sciatica and UC. I feel like this would really help him.

Where do I get these ingredients though? Also, do you have to use the sonic jewelry cleaner machine?

I would definately try it for your husband.

All the ingredients are easily obtained on the internet. I bought all my stuff on

YES, you must use the ultrasonic cleaner. This is an important part of the process.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by dc4lifeskater
I have gout and it hurts allot. I take 500MG naproxen and for the last 2 weeks I can hardly walk my left foot is in so much pain and giving me issues this happens sometimes and its starting to feel better but still hard to walk and effects me allot..

would this help me do you think? and could anyone that has made it and it works good for them, could I buy like a 2 week supply from you to test out for cheap, before I spend a bunch of money on that jewelry cleaner and all the stuff to make sure it works, or can you point me to an ebay link that is the same stuff you are making that I can test out and I will just buy it the the first time then I will start making it if it works good?


I haven't heard of anyone using it for gout, but I would definately give it a try.

You can buy some already made on the internet. The reason to make it yourself is because of the costs.

Here is a link through Amazon.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:48 PM
Totally forgot about this thread...thanks for bringing it back to my attention. I think I might try to buy some first just to try it out and then look at making it. Would this be the same thing we're talking about here?

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 10:58 PM
reply to post by Julie Washington

I am going to make some of this for my Father's current stage of Atherosclerosis...It angers me that they put stents in that actually cause more inflammation, which is going to cause more plaque and calcium buildup....Stupid 'professionals' >.>

I will participate in this thread much like the last one, adding any new ideas, or information that I get about Vitamin C in general. Thanks a lot Julie for putting together a well made synopsis of a very important thread. I starred and flagged you for all of it.

Question : Have you tried taking any of this before bedtime yet, and getting back to me on your dreams? I have taken 1000mg timed release oral capsules the past few nights before bed, and it did indeed boost my dreams as I hypothesized.

PoN, point of notice, they are set to a 45 minute timed release. Does liposomal have any kind of time restriction to it taking effect? Thanks for the heads up

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 11:02 PM
I have an aunt that is a naturopathic/osteopathic doctor and owns her own health food and vitamin company. Her company makes and sales vitamins and mineral supplements and she has sworn by lipo-C for years. I have a niece that was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 17 and when her doctors wanted to perform surgery my sister made the drive to TN and started her on my aunts regime immediately. Well 18 months kater my jiece was cancer free and has been for 10 years now.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 11:03 PM
reply to post by dc4lifeskater

Naproxen is only a temporary fix, and if they keep you on it, you are going to have a lot more problems..

The liposomal Vitamin C should drastically reduce the level of inflammation in your joints....You should also try some boron supplements, and Vitamin K2 as well..Arthritis of any kind, can come from deposits of calcium into the soft tissues, which causes them to harden in a process known as calcification, so that they lose their level of suppleness and flexibility. This could cause the inflammation and pain associated with arthritis. Now the uric acid plays a very big role in the calcification process, hence the gout.

Did you know that you are exposed daily to enzyme inhibitors that contribute to decreased enzyme activity in the body? Some of those are fluoride and chlorine in public water supplies and copper from plumbing. It is also reported that absorbing lead from water (and the environment) can cause gout. This is all the more reason to supplement and use filtered water.

Vitamin K2 works by taking the calcium out of your soft tissues, and arteries such as the heart, and deposits them into the bones where they are supposed to go. Bonding of fluoride to the calcium, and the role of uric acid in the calcification process of gout, could also cause more severe problems.
edit on 6-1-2013 by VeritasAequitas because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 11:06 PM
reply to post by Julie Washington

Ok thank you for letting me know. I buy everything on Amazon, but for some reason I didn't think about buying all of that on there. Maybe I'll do it tonight. Thanks again!

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 11:11 PM
reply to post by Nucleardiver

I live in TN, pretty weird...Is that where her store or company is based? I'd be very interested in going and taking a look at them one day.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 11:27 PM

Originally posted by HawkeyeNation
Totally forgot about this thread...thanks for bringing it back to my attention. I think I might try to buy some first just to try it out and then look at making it. Would this be the same thing we're talking about here?

It appears to be. I really can't attest to anything made by someone else though.

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by Julie Washington

I am going to make some of this for my Father's current stage of Atherosclerosis...It angers me that they put stents in that actually cause more inflammation, which is going to cause more plaque and calcium buildup....Stupid 'professionals' >.>

I will participate in this thread much like the last one, adding any new ideas, or information that I get about Vitamin C in general. Thanks a lot Julie for putting together a well made synopsis of a very important thread. I starred and flagged you for all of it.

Question : Have you tried taking any of this before bedtime yet, and getting back to me on your dreams? I have taken 1000mg timed release oral capsules the past few nights before bed, and it did indeed boost my dreams as I hypothesized.

PoN, point of notice, they are set to a 45 minute timed release. Does liposomal have any kind of time restriction to it taking effect? Thanks for the heads up

Thanks Veritas. This took me all day because I actually went through all 69 pages of the original thread to make sure I pulled out all the important links and comments. I tried to stick to the original topic and recipe, but the original OP has lots of experimentation and PH balancing recipes.

I haven't taken it before bed... maybe tonight

This recipe is not time released. It is absorbed immediately into the cells. From the feedback I've read it appears to wear off in about 4 hours, hence the reason some take it several times a day.

Good luck with your father, I think it will help.
edit on 6-1-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 11:40 PM

Originally posted by Julie Washington

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas
reply to post by Julie Washington

I am going to make some of this for my Father's current stage of Atherosclerosis...It angers me that they put stents in that actually cause more inflammation, which is going to cause more plaque and calcium buildup....Stupid 'professionals' >.>

I will participate in this thread much like the last one, adding any new ideas, or information that I get about Vitamin C in general. Thanks a lot Julie for putting together a well made synopsis of a very important thread. I starred and flagged you for all of it.

Question : Have you tried taking any of this before bedtime yet, and getting back to me on your dreams? I have taken 1000mg timed release oral capsules the past few nights before bed, and it did indeed boost my dreams as I hypothesized.

PoN, point of notice, they are set to a 45 minute timed release. Does liposomal have any kind of time restriction to it taking effect? Thanks for the heads up

Thanks Veritas. This took me all day because I actually went through all 69 pages of the original thread to make sure I pulled out all the important links and comments. I tried to stick to the original topic and recipe, but the original OP has lots of experimentation and PH balancing recipes.

I haven't taken it before bed... maybe tonight

This recipe is not time released. It is absorbed immediately into the cells. From the feedback I've read it appears to wear off in about 4 hours, hence the reason some take it several times a day.

Good luck with your father, I think it will help.
edit on 6-1-2013 by Julie Washington because: (no reason given)

You're welcome. I may look into the PH balancing bit. Please do let me know about your experiment with the Lipo Vitamin C before bed. As soon as I can find all of these things, I will try and get some money together to order them. It behooves me to know that the recipe is not a timed release, and will give me some ideas. Any kind of information on whether it is harmful for injection?

posted on Jan, 6 2013 @ 11:44 PM

Originally posted by Nucleardiver
I have an aunt that is a naturopathic/osteopathic doctor and owns her own health food and vitamin company. Her company makes and sales vitamins and mineral supplements and she has sworn by lipo-C for years. I have a niece that was diagnosed with ovarian cancer at the age of 17 and when her doctors wanted to perform surgery my sister made the drive to TN and started her on my aunts regime immediately. Well 18 months kater my jiece was cancer free and has been for 10 years now.

Love, love, love this story.

I wish I'd know about liposomal Vit C before my brother died of cancer 4 years ago.

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