I know many will think this is extreme. [color=3BB9FF]But rest assured I have not come to this conclusion lightly. I have been
working this out for a few weeks now, and it seems to be the only real workable solution to what ails this nation. I understand that finding the
correct person to entrust this power in would be very problematic. But the alternative is to continue on the path we are currently on, and no
matter which side of the political spectrum you find yourself aligned with, not one of us is going to come out a winner.
The person we would need; [color=00FF00]Will have to be someone who would jam liberty and justice down America's throat, regardless of how much
people screamed and moaned. They would have to be someone who would stand by the principals this country was founded on in the face of coercion,
bribery, threats and whatever else the bought and paid for MSM throws at them. Above all, this person would need to be honest. I don't have to tell
you how hard it is to find someone like that these days. On top of all that, we would have to be able to trust this person to lay down their power
once the situation was fixed.
I don't think this is even possible. I don't believe for a second that it will ever happen either. But don't fool yourselves, this is the only
Here are a few things that have led me to the conclusion I have come to.
The Govt., local, State, and Federal, no longer exists to serve the American people, it exists to generate revenue to fund itself. We live in a
country where little kids get fined for not having a business license for their lemonade stand.
Just look at how deep the corruption is running through this country. It's mind bottling.
From the revolving doors of the big banks through the Treasury and the FEC. I mean come on, Geithner forgets to pay his taxes and they still make him
the Secretary of the Treasury?, and don't forget about all of his Goldman Sachs buddies.
And that's just the financial side.
Don't forget about Monsanto and the FDA and USDA, that one just makes my head hurt.
Then there is the whole Left/Right thing, that effectively has the country split down the middle to the point that nothing gets accomplished. Despite
the fact that both sides are equally corrupt, greedy scumbags. Most Americans nevertheless vote for whoever their TV tells them to vote for. Or
whoever is going to give them the most taxpayer money and benefits.
And the economy, that we have let run completely into the ground to the point where it is unfixable, insolvent whatever you want to call it. I think
everyone should be aware by this point that every fiat currency in human history has failed.
Our completely monstrously absurd tax code.
[color=FFFF00]That's right, 73,000 pages.
[color=82CAFA]Here are several threads that also make my point of why I believe this is necessary.
Ethos - A Political Documentary Regarding Corruption
DOD wasting taxpayer dollars.....again
The corruption of the FED bailouts exposed...
10 Corporations That Still Get New Gov't Contracts, Despite Alleged Misconduct
The Corruption In The US Justice System Project
Justice Department will not prosecute Goldman Sachs, employees for Abacus deal
U.S. slips to historic low in global corruption index
I know this is not the way America works. It goes against everything this country was founded on. It is fundamentally unacceptable, but it is the only
Am I completely off my rocker?
Do you think I am wrong?
Do you have a better idea?
Please share it.
edit on 5-1-2013 by watchitburn because: (no reason given)