posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 12:15 PM
Hello, again ATS.
I'm not one to make many threads unless I feel absolutely passionate about what I have to say, and feel my thoughts need to be expressed. I was
really unsure of where to place this thread, and please it's not an attack merely what I have observed. For Several years now the American public
feels their government is out to take away their rights. Now, I do not necessarily disagree with the fact more and more freedoms are being cut on a
daily basis, through out the united states. After 9/11 Airport security was increased, complete strangers can put their hands places they have no
business being, and I can no longer fly with razors, nail clippers, cigarette lighters, or tweezers in my carry on. I understand the thought process
involved in eliminating these things but how far do we have to take it for our safety?
My real reason for starting this thread is the on going discussions about gun control. Now I know there are more than a few threads regarding this
issue already, and I'm not trying to add another 0 to the growing figures. My curiosity lies there in with the answers the community has to propose
to the problem. There has been a spat of shootings in the US. All of which are terrible tragedies, leaving the general public shocked and feeling
vulnerable. Many of you turn to your government looking for answers. " How are you going to stop this from happening again?", " Why did this
happen in the first place?", "Who is responsible?", " Who can I hold accountable for the tragedy?" If you would prefer you can replace
accountable with " Blame," because that's what we prefer to do as human beings. We like to place blame on the easiest answers, often hastily and
with out rational thought.
Now, I know many here on ATS are divided on the idea of Fire arms legislation. Personally, I am not going to take a stance one way or another on this
thread, but rather attempt to direct discussion to the root cause of the problems we have been experiencing. Society has looked to their government,
and law enforcement for an answer for the increasing unnecessary tragedies. The unfortunate thing being this is not a simple problem, nor does it have
an equally simple answer. In almost every case of a shooting, the shooter was unknown before the event took place. Looking back we find " Signs "
that could have shed some light on the potential outcomes, but in reality we had no clue.
I don't want to pick one particular incident to base this around, because I don't want it to boil down into a thread about a specific shooting so
bare with me. The Government has been trying to find solutions to societies problems for a very long time. Society is a very complex, ever changing
thing. What works for some, does not work for others, and what works today may not even come close to working tomorrow, or next week, next month etc.
We were all shocked and devastated by the terrorist attacks over the years, and wanted a solution. The easiest solution was to increase security and
awareness. This eventually led way to the TSA, harsher restrictions on interior and international travel which at the time we all welcomed with open
arms. How do we as a people address the problems?
From one shooter to another, how do we solve the problem? I've heard so many arguments for and against the recent proposed legislation. Keep in mind
you are already an armed public, and to date no civilian has been able to prevent these tragedies. I am aware there are instances of armed civilians
foiling smaller armed encounters, but for the general safety of all, what is the answer. Either way you look at it, you are going to lose some right
or freedom. Do we put restrictions on the types of firearms available to the public? Do we make the process of acquiring and owning firearms better
regulated? Do we put into action regular background, and health checks? This is a very complex problem, and I do not believe we as a society are
capable of finding this solution easily. We look to the government and law enforcement for protection, so arguing taking fire arms from the public and
them is the only fair route.
Criminals will have weapons irregardless of any of the proposed solutions, how ever many of these shootings are carried out by civilians, often with
out a history of violent crime. Which is often why it comes as such a surprise. How should America deal with the issues at hand? I hear so many voice
their concerns over the proposed legislation but no body is offering a solution that is any less upsetting for the nation.
We hear prevent those with mental health problems from possessing fire arms. Well, where do you draw the line there? I've stated this in many threads
regarding mental health, every single person will have a mental health issue at one point in their lives. Some of those issues will be permanent, some
of them will go away on their own, and others still can be treated with counseling. Using this logic, for an answer results in the same problem. Not
one American will legally be allowed to own a firearm, being that to instill this solution everyone who wishes to possess or does possess a firearm
would be subject to evaluation on some what regular intervals. You lose a family member, a job, have a divorce, suffering from money troubles, or
happen to be the 1 in 5 who will come down with a significant mental health disorder and pow! You are now deemed unfit to own, or purchase a firearm.
So how do we solve this problem? What is the solution, how do we prevent said tragedies from happening and move forwards as a society? I personally do
not know the answer, nor do I entirely agree with ANY of the proposed solutions so far. I can see the logic in restricting the sale of certain fire
arms, how ever I do not think it's fair or right to ban them outright. What do we do? Society has a voice, and there has to be a significant number
who feel the current proposition is feasible, so those of you who do not what is your suggestion?