I posted part of this in a thread as a comment earlier and it ha on OP ring to it, so I've elaborated on it and presented it here.
Here's how I see it, Large coorperations have lots of power and huge nest eggs, apparently. If everyone went to the bank tommorow to draw out their
savings. All cash that people own in one day...it can't happen, it's not there. Most is in circulation, the rest is an illusion, digits inside a
banking computer system.
So for those with these huge nest eggs to feel secure that their nest eggs are safe, they would need to keep the economy flowing to suit them.
Bankers, energy/fuel companies, food production, ect are all owned by what I would call elite, it's about power up here, not money. And they work
together to price fix and keep everything just about affordable for the majority. This perpetuates the sytstem, excells themselves, and it is these
people that are colluding together at the top for their own personal gain that keep the majority in the struggle.
Millitary, law enforcment and The governments (if these are not private corps that are owned) are In their pockets or they all collude together and
these companies can get laws passed upon request should they need, and have. and the are all working off the majority for their own personal gain,
more control, more power, more for them less for us....the game is rigged and to keep it that way we must be controlled and they, hiding behind
government need a big enough army to protect their empire should their slaves turn on them.
So in order to have a big enough police force we need enough crime to justify it...."now what can we make illegal" I could go on and on but the top
of the pyramid is already formed. These are the one that would have motive for mass manipulation and control, and could pay any price to those who had
the capabilitys to carry out this manipulation so we act the way they want us to, via media, music, film, education, virtually any external source of
information. Hell, even here on ats via shills ect.
Maybe they have their own secret society, who knows? But not one where they keep it's secrets within but one that's kept secret and they keep there
secrets within. But, they are working against the majority, or everything would not be keep getting more and more expensive while noones payrolls rise
at the same rate. The game is rigged, and "they" are working against the majority.
MAYBE, the system was designed that way, by those in power, to keep those in power, could the system be considered a programm or entity itself that
seeks to destroy and enslave humanity and eventually become the manifestation of Satan.
if we (it turns to we here because "they" could not do this) can create a computer that can predict the future, and get the surveillance system to
"see" any where at any time, and remember everything that is possible, and have the power to take anyone out at any time. Destroy life on earth via
nuclear weaponry or worse. would this not be the three of the main attributes of a god? Or Satan, as I don't see benevolence in all this^
Omnipotence, all powerful.
Omnipresence, all present.
Omniscience, all knowing.
Just what collectively is being created as a system to lead, guide and protect us is not hard wired with omni benevolence, (all loving) which would be
what each of us would hope the true god would be.
Can love be hard wired into a system that ultimately wants control over everything we do? Would those in power want one? But do they with satans
The whole illuminati thing could be connected, it depends wether this system/entity itself can be controlled, then the controllers would be like gods,
which was the illuminati's goal. Should they be a myth, then I ask each and everyone of us to take a look at what is going on...think about it, ask
yourself, just what are we up to! Why is s# the way it is?, if we are creative...what are we creating without destroying?
This whole story needs I giant overdose of omni benevolence I know. But, but so do the monetary and law systems ect that control our lives.