posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 08:01 PM
This video covers many of the things discussed at ATS and might have been posted before. However, with all the new members that might be interested in
such things I thought some might enjoy a viewing. There are a few things in the vid worth seeing if never seen before and I did catch myself wondering
what to heck they are. A very well done 31.22 minutes of all kinds of things as the title says. Some of the spirals shown were
failed rocket launches..Pictures start getting pretty good around the 7 minute mark into the vid.then they show a bunch of lost or discarded space
Buzz talks about one of the moons of Mars and the anomaly @ 9.46 with some pretty good pics to follow. @11.15 I don't know what the heck that
Michio Kaku and a rather positive message.
@ approx 20.00 99% space junk followed by lights in a dark sky; typical.
@24:20 Canada Speaks on "need to know".
Vid ends with more junk but one vid of a very fast mover in front of the clouds @ 30:00 is?? I dunno so it was a classic UFO to me. Who made it, where
is it from, what is it, etc etc who knows?