posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 07:11 PM
I just want to say...that after coming to this site for the last two years I have seen a lot...and I mean a lot of off the wall...can you say
"really" posts. Sometimes it just trumps pure human logic. It could be kids who don't know any better...but hey...that's why we are here...right?
I have also read a ton of awesome posts that have enlightened me to the point to post now. For instance...silver refining? Ring a bell? Did it, still
doing it...incredible. I am totally into the UFO's, space, earth changes realm....the whole 2012 thing..interesting but a fluke.
I hope to stay a member here...but gotta learn the rules....that's just me
Take care all...hope to talk to you all soon!! (and learn the ropes)