posted on Jan, 4 2013 @ 10:49 PM
I have often came to this particular topic when in thought experiments.
I often think it would be great to have a world full of 'Me's', as, well, we would all agree with each other correct? No more wars over religion,
no more corrupt governments and banking systems screwing over the little guys.
However, if you want to get really technical, the versions of 'Me' (or 'You) would have to be exact genetic/ biological/ behavioral clones of
myself exposed to the exact same developmental environment.
Otherwise a very interesting situation would arise in which despite the fact that every 'Me' was an exact clone, the psychological attributes of
each clone (assuming we all don't live on the one continent since that could get a little squishy) would be influenced by the environmental factors
which influenced the clones development.
So interestingly enough, depending on how you envisioned this cloning concept, the clones of 'You' or 'Me' could ultimately end up being vastly
different versions of ourselves based on their own particular development.
I was going to say i doubt the differences would be too significant, but the environment you're exposed to greatly affects mood and what not, so who
knows you could end up having versions of you with depression, mania, OCD, substance abuse disorders.....
What a great and tricky concept this is!