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Top 10 Reasons Why Bigfoot/Sasquatch May Exist

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posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 12:23 PM
Very good thread.

You make some very good points that make sense.


posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 03:16 PM

Originally posted by GringoCorona1176
I saw something cross a dirt road in upstate PA 30 years ago that I still cant explain. I was out deer spotting around 2200 hours with my mother and step father way back off of the beaten path with steep moutain side to the right and corn fields/meadows to the left. It crossed the road at a steady pace and appeared from our right and moved left into a corn field. We all saw it emerge from the moutain side and move into the corn field that was right alongside of the road. It was bizzare because you couldnt make out any leg movement it just seemed as if it were hunched over and gliding across the road while being mostly upright. Never did it appear to look at us and the whole thing last maybe 2 seconds. I dont know what to belive still to this day because it was either a human, bear,or a bigfoot. PA bear dont get that tall and choose to walk around upright and we were soo far out and it was late so I dont see it being a person either

That was just my ex-mother-in-law, she lives up that way

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