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Video I just got sent. Must watch. Thoughts? Please..

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posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 01:39 PM
Niribu/Planet X aside-is there any easy/logical explanation that would explain the planets seemingly moving out of orbit???

If true about the astronomers studying Nibiru/Planet X all dying - that's kinda strange.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 02:57 PM
reply to post by shauny

The video you posted has been discussed several times here on ATS (just use the search function and type in "Jupiter's Orbit"), and has been debunked (SOHO moves too and changes aspect of viewing). Here is one of the threads on it:

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 10:24 AM
They found Planet X a while back...

See nothing to worry about

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 11:33 PM
dec 21st has come and gone and you still havent learned to stop feeding the trolls??? You get what you deserve.

The world is not going to end for gods sake. EVER, if im wrong i'll everybody that doesnt believe me a billion dollars each. You see there wont be anybody watching the banks if it does end so I can just walk in and take as much money as I want

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by cybro
No you can't see Planet X but you can tell whenever it is around because it is always accompanied by strange creepy music.

And her come the naysayer's. I am so sick of people saying, its not real, its not real. Really then prove its not real. Don't just say its not realy and expect everyone to say oh ok. This guy says its not realy so he must be right. Do some research and prove it not to be.

I am not saying that it is real or isnt real but has something constructive to say either way. Excuse me while I step down off my soapbox now.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:03 AM

Originally posted by WesternIowaParanormal

Originally posted by cybro
No you can't see Planet X but you can tell whenever it is around because it is always accompanied by strange creepy music.

And her come the naysayer's. I am so sick of people saying, its not real, its not real. Really then prove its not real. Don't just say its not realy and expect everyone to say oh ok. This guy says its not realy so he must be right. Do some research and prove it not to be.

I am not saying that it is real or isnt real but has something constructive to say either way. Excuse me while I step down off my soapbox now.

Lol you can't prove a negative. You can however prove a positive. Look up, if you can see planet x y or z then it's there. If you can't see it then it's not. It's not rocket science.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 04:30 AM
Nice video, really well done.

I'm really interested to see more data on orbital shifts, though I doubt there's anything happening that hasn't been happening for billions of years. The clouds in the video, I'm in FEMA region 7... We've always seen these type of clouds for as long as I can remember... So to me they are nothing special.

IF Planet X were in the process of interrupting our solar system, there's not a lot any of us could do. Sit back and enjoy the show I guess... Sure you could prep but in a catastrophic event of this magnetude, all a person can do is delay the inevitable. You can't fight it or change the course of the earth or Jupiter. So is there really any point in letting this consume you?

Most people on this forum already have good reasons to stockpile food/water/arms.... And these are things we actually can fight, we CAN change. So, while I find the Planet X debate interesting, I keep it at just that- and prefer to concern myself with those things we have hope of surviving. Otherwise I'd be a raving lunatic and a raging alcoholic.

Thanks for the vid though, pretty cool

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 04:37 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd

Lol you can't prove a negative. You can however prove a positive. Look up, if you can see planet x y or z then it's there. If you can't see it then it's not. It's not rocket science.

I can't see air, but I'm pretty sure it's there. I can't see heat or wind, but I can see their effect on things. I can't see electrons or DNA sequencing or the molecular structure of water, but I know it's there-probably because scientists with special equipment did see them and showed me. So perhaps your argument is invalid, yes?

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 06:41 AM

Originally posted by lonweld

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd

Lol you can't prove a negative. You can however prove a positive. Look up, if you can see planet x y or z then it's there. If you can't see it then it's not. It's not rocket science.

I can't see air, but I'm pretty sure it's there. I can't see heat or wind, but I can see their effect on things. I can't see electrons or DNA sequencing or the molecular structure of water, but I know it's there-probably because scientists with special equipment did see them and showed me. So perhaps your argument is invalid, yes?

Guy I think YOUR argument is invalid

lol you just proved my point.

You just gave examples of all things that we cant see but actually exist. you want people to show you evidence of something we cant see because it DOESN'T exist.

prove to me unicorns dont exist hahahahahah
edit on 31-12-2012 by TiM3LoRd because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 07:40 AM
reply to post by eriktheawful

At last, somebody that has actually addressed the issues in the video!

Well done to you for actually respecting the op, I had to trawl through everybodies opinion (which wasn't asked for and i find disrespectful that they were forced on this thread) beforehand, as I did watch the video. I have zero skill in astronomy and rarely enter these sort of threads so was just as curious as the OP. Finaly an answer.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by PLAYERONE01
surely if it was there , we'd be able to see it by now

Oh yes surely. /sarcasm

Just like we discovered (by "amateur" astronomers, I might add -- seems like they are finding the most notable things lately) that asteroid that flew half way between us and the moon a week or so ago a mere *two days* before it's closest approach to Earth .

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 11:51 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd

Originally posted by WesternIowaParanormal

Originally posted by cybro
No you can't see Planet X but you can tell whenever it is around because it is always accompanied by strange creepy music.

And her come the naysayer's. I am so sick of people saying, its not real, its not real. Really then prove its not real. Don't just say its not realy and expect everyone to say oh ok. This guy says its not realy so he must be right. Do some research and prove it not to be.

I am not saying that it is real or isnt real but has something constructive to say either way. Excuse me while I step down off my soapbox now.

Lol you can't prove a negative. You can however prove a positive. Look up, if you can see planet x y or z then it's there. If you can't see it then it's not. It's not rocket science.

That's preposterous. You can't *always* "prove" a positive (the "proof" being defined by the person obliged to accept it; how convenient). (And the fact you can't seem to prove a negative almost makes the point. Unless you can't prove something's not there, you may as well keep your mind open and your mouth shut about it.)

Just because you haven't seen something doesn't mean it's not there. It may not be visible; it may not be measurable with modern tools (this important point many people still fail to acknowledge). There's a lot of things you can't see when you "look up" and it certainly doesn't mean those things are not there or do not exist.

"The failure to observe an object only proves one thing. You have failed to observe the object." ~ Dr. Brian Marsden, Director of the Minor Planet Center Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

edit on 31-12-2012 by anjuna because: emphasis

edit on 31-12-2012 by anjuna because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-12-2012 by anjuna because: (no reason given)

edit on 31-12-2012 by anjuna because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by Iam'___'
reply to post by eriktheawful

At last, somebody that has actually addressed the issues in the video!

Well done to you for actually respecting the op, I had to trawl through everybodies opinion (which wasn't asked for and i find disrespectful that they were forced on this thread) beforehand, as I did watch the video. I have zero skill in astronomy and rarely enter these sort of threads so was just as curious as the OP. Finaly an answer.

You are welcome.

This video has been addressed many times in other threads, and once it's shown that SOHO moves too so that the perspective changes, the thread normally dies out, or turns into what we are seeing now in the discussion, which is no longer about the video at all, but instead yelling back and forth of:

Yes it is!
No it isn't!

The bottom line is: every single piece of evidence that posters here on ATS have used to show that there is a planet called Nibiru and that it is changing things has been debunked over, and over.

I don't mind people trying to prove it's there. Maybe one day they'll find something that can't be debunked. But the point is that most of the people that show up with their evidence are not people like me: amateur astronomers that actually take astronomy, orbital mechanics seriously.

YouTube videos of "Nibiru" are normally posted by those that do not seem to take many things into account:

Lens Flares
Camera Artifacts
Cosmic Ray Strikes.
Understanding Orbital Bodies
Actual knowledge or formal education in Astronomy.

It would be much better if someone that does understand these things, were to post actual data supporting their claim to having found Nibiru or it's affects on other planetary bodies.

But sadly, all we normally have is people posting YouTube videos made by people that don't seem to understand how these things work (or worst, do, and are just making a video to get the hits they want on their YouTube channel), people making claims that things look wrong in the sky, and then we find out those people claiming that are not people that actually understand astronomy and orbital mechanics. Or those that seem to think that there is some great conspiracy involving governments, and literally hundreds of MILLIONS of people who study astronomy both in a formal setting (universities and observatories) or casual environments (amateur astronomers with their own equipment).

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:39 PM
I have no clue, but I bet we're witnessing a very small window into a wobble that's a few thousand years long. Does what I say make sense. . .I doubt it. But this thread does intrigue me.

AND, I know that whatever question we have about the universe can be answered by studying a small pool of water.

the secret is having the MIND to see.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by Klassified
Personally, I've come to think if planet x ever existed at all, it was destroyed sometime in pre-history, yet its legend lives on. I will say however, if the leaders of this world knew there was a threat coming our way in the form of an ELE due to an asteroid, comet, or other. It goes without saying they would cover it up at all costs(including murder), and bury it so deep in the muddied waters, we'd never know for sure. Speculation is all we would ever have.
edit on 12/29/2012 by Klassified because: (no reason given)

Could you imagine that music playing while our brethren in white robes who looked exactly
like us with wings, and who were glowing, rode on white and grey unicorns from the North
Star with Sabres and Light blades to chop off the heads of the wicked?

Pretty cool.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 01:32 PM
If there is an undiscovered planet out there it must be very far away and always stay far away.

How do we know this?

1. Gravity studies show that the motions of the known objects can be explained by the known objects
2. Optical telescopes can detect Earth sized objects about 8X the distance to Pluto.
3. IR scans do not show an object

A new planet cannot be ruled out, but if it exists it must be very far out or small. There might be objects out there that are 10,000AU out, about 1/3 of a light year and they never come close to the Sun.

The numerous hoax videos online purporting to show a new planet are really pathetic. Check with your local astronomy club to get more info on detecting planets and why these videos are really silly.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by WesternIowaParanormal

Originally posted by cybro
No you can't see Planet X but you can tell whenever it is around because it is always accompanied by strange creepy music.

And her come the naysayer's. I am so sick of people saying, its not real, its not real. Really then prove its not real. Don't just say its not realy and expect everyone to say oh ok. This guy says its not realy so he must be right. Do some research and prove it not to be.

I am not saying that it is real or isnt real but has something constructive to say either way. Excuse me while I step down off my soapbox now.
Don’t mean to jump in, but…

You’ve been a new member here on ATS for 11 days, and can say that? There is MORE info here on ATS about planet X than you could ever begin to imagine! It’s NOT real! There is a plethora of info here. Come back in a couple weeks after you read thru it all. When you come back, I think your view on the subject will change immensely..

posted on Jan, 2 2013 @ 03:58 PM

Originally posted by cybro
No you can't see Planet X but you can tell whenever it is around because it is always accompanied by strange creepy music.

Classic, lmao!

Planet X appears when you dream of feathered serpents and Sumerian maidservants playing Yoko Ono's Plastic Band. It is when you know, deep down, that nothing beats honey mead and 3d glasses.

To be serious....

There is no remote proof that ther is a planet x anywhere. The are nomadic planets and the earth almost retained another satelite a long time ago but that is it. No wandering wanderer would be able to host life, unless it were an enclosed base.

I hope this does not become the next craze after 2012. I was hoping bushmen folktales would become it, that we would be able to deduce vedic philosophy from cattle-calling clicking sounds.
edit on 2-1-2013 by seen2much because: (no reason given)

edit on 2-1-2013 by seen2much because: (no reason given)

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