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Astral Projection help

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posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 08:47 PM
So basically I've only had one true Astral Projection experience, and at the time I had it I felt wow this feels so natural it's going to be so easy to get back to that place from now on! .. But that wasn't the case. That was about 3 or 4 months ago and although I've been busy working I now have time to put into this again.

How can I get back to that place? I lay still for hours maybe but it just doesn't seem to want to happen..

Seperate question : Does working with equations/numbers reduce ability to AP and Lucid Dream because ever since i started working again I havn't done either although I still continue to have quite vivid dreams every night.


posted on Dec, 28 2012 @ 09:22 PM
Hmm, numbers might have an impact as that comes from the logic part of the brain. When we dream that part of the brain shuts down and all the other parts become active.

Heres a good video about it:


As far as increasing the odds of having one, you need to consciously think about it enough for it to carry over to the sub conscious. Reality checks help quite a bit. Basically test that you're not in a dream by trying to plug your nose and breath through it. There are other reality checks out there but i feel that one is the fastest, and coolest when you do it in a dream and still breath through a plugged nose.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 02:19 AM
reply to post by Tingle

I haven't done either although I still continue to have quite vivid dreams every night.

There is your ticket right there, sir. If you can remember your dreams, try and catch yourself dreaming without waking up. You will become a 'lucid dreamer' capable of changing the game you have woken up in. With practice you can use that deep meditative state of your body while lucid dreaming, to consciously will yourself to leave the body. That is how I did it my first time.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by Tingle

Stop it, alltogether.
Your astral expieriences are guided by entities,
dont ever consider that you are your own chief in those expieriences.
You re not.

Stop searching for these,
and first learn what is the spiritual world about - it s about laws.

And the laws are, at present, that humans have fallen, and are subordinate to the spirits.

First get thát point clear.

Then go find Him.

Bless you.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 02:33 AM
reply to post by smwoop

There are other reality checks out there but i feel that one is the fastest, and coolest when you do it in a dream and still breath through a plugged nose.

Your hands look #$%@ing crazy in a dream. That's a good one. As is pinching yourself.

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 08:05 AM
reply to post by Tingle

It does not limit your ability because you are working again. Its clouds it in the subconcious where the days' event are stored. It goes over and over them...occupying the brain.
Not mine. Ive learned to control the destination and journey there...and back. (although sometimes goin and coming are intensely fast.)

posted on Dec, 29 2012 @ 08:18 AM
The spirit world is an integrated part of this world. If you work hard in this world, the entrance to the spirit-world will reflect this. The path to enlightenment always reflects each and every one of us. It's always different. If you work a lot with numbers and is able to focus, you should try something that requires more focus than lucid dreaming. Think of the spirit-world as a house where all the doors change depending on who wants to enter. Try some meditation, an hour session should do it. Then, you'll understand. And don't let religious people tell you what to do. Those who don't walk with the great spirits, don't know what this world is all about. Meditate. Seek out lights, this is something I can't explain properly in this world. Seek balance and harmony. Seek shelter, not comforting when you're out of balance.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by smwoop

There are other reality checks out there but i feel that one is the fastest, and coolest when you do it in a dream and still breath through a plugged nose.

Haha that is my reality check of choice already and I do when I feel like woah wtf cos lately it's hard to tell the difference between my dreams / reality because they are so vivid it's nice really..

Originally posted by VeritasAequitas

There is your ticket right there, sir. If you can remember your dreams, try and catch yourself dreaming without waking up. You will become a 'lucid dreamer' capable of changing the game you have woken up in. With practice you can use that deep meditative state of your body while lucid dreaming, to consciously will yourself to leave the body. That is how I did it my first time.

Hey man thanks a lot for the info I havn't been looking much into Lucid Dreaming lately that's probably why I'm not having many, that and the fact that deep down all I want is that Astral Projection again I can't even describe how beautiful it was but for some reason my hands had these silk sleeves (not really sleeves, there was a layer of silk around my wrist and hands), which was the first thing I saw as it was very dark and blurry at the start but as I pulled further away it got clearer and clearer. I feel kinda dumb as I wasted my time a lot during the experience, I tried to use my phone for some reason and was fascinated by how the screen just remained black.. I don't even know what I was thinking but anyway when I got out of bed I finally got to walk around a bit but it lasted like 10 seconds because right then the phone rang and I was sooooooo angry haha..


I know a lot of you will scream "THIS IS A LUCID DREAM NOT ASTRAL PROJECTION / OBE" but trust me I have had many, many lucid dreams and this was nothing like them. I just hope I can get back there soon. And to the religious guy, before I ever try Astral Project I pray and ask for protection, happy?

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 10:03 PM
After lurking around this site now for the last year and a half I have finally decided to create a user id and log on. My reason for doing so is because over the last year I seem to have stumbled across the ability to Astral Project.In fact I can do it fairly easily and have pretty decent control of my movements and communication while there. It actually becomes a bit overwhelming because I get flustered as to where I want to go or what i want to do. I had no idea such a thing even existed and honestly felt like maybe I was loosing my marbles. But I'm NOT! many of the posts I have seen on here regarding the subject are very similar to my own personal experiences. I still feel a bit silly putting this out there but here goes are some questions I am seeking possible answers to.

Is it normal to go to the same location when you astral project? On two different occasions I appeared in a very specific room that had people in it who couldn't tell I was there.. I have no clue why I have gone to this place that I have never seen before but the activities going on in the room were pretty intense and not in a good way!

Second does one become 'stronger' the more times they go into the astral plane? By this I mean the very first time I was there the shadows..or entities as best I can explain them were always challenging me or I guess coming at me. It may sound weird but after time of me fighting them off and actually destroying them they now tend to just leave me alone and are not even really seen. At first I was a little scared of them but now it's similar to having to swat at gnats in the air if you will.

Lastly how do I go about being able to fully control astral projection inf it's even possible. Because I have had times where I am laying down wide awake and start to feel that slow wobble wobble feeling that turns into a fast vibrating feeling..

Like I said before I feel rather ridiculous putting this out there and I'm not some crazy crackpot on ATS.. I have read the posts the nay sayers can be pretty brutal.. I'm just trying to find some explanations for something that is happening to recently. Any answers would be greatly appreciated. And my apologies to the mods if this post is in the wrong section/thread

posted on Jan, 1 2013 @ 06:16 PM
reply to post by clncl30

Perhaps the literature on OBE's could assist you. Bruce Moen and Robert Monroe (among others) are both notable and in my findings and opinion genuine astral explorers that have come across various phenomena that could deepen your understanding.
In one book one of the authors (I can not recall exactly which book, it has been a while) comes across a struggle with a shadowy figure too, but the details elude me at the moment. This is merely to show you that they experience similar phenomena as you now, and perhaps what you will find in the future.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:38 PM
reply to post by Rodriguez

Hey thanks for the advice on looking into other posts regarding OBES! As for the shadowy figures I no longer really pay them any attention or at least worry about them. I find maintaining a positive energy and clear thought tends to keep them away.

What I'm really trying to figure out is how to navigate my way to specific places. Instead of just randomly showing up someplace, I was successful in simply saying the word "home" when I felt I had strayed too far for comfort. As soon as the thought entered my mind I felt a bungee like effect rapidly pulling me back to my body. Not wanting to fully go back I simply said stop my movement stopped in an instant.

I'll keep searching ATS threads as to not rehash or beat a dead horse since I'm sure many of these questions have been already asked.

posted on Jan, 3 2013 @ 06:54 PM
reply to post by Tingle

This may be of help:
Leave The Body To Get Answers

posted on Jan, 5 2013 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by clncl30

Hehe my friend, I meant books not forum posts
. One book solely dealing with experiences and advice of experienced OBE travellers could be very worthwhile for someone in a position as yours. And there are many of such books. Check amazon, books on out of body experience. To what I have found (but I am not all knowing) genuine and authenthic authors are among others; Robert Monroe, Bruce Moen, Robert Peterson, Robert Bruce. Weird how their names are sort of similar aye? You can download quite a few of their books off torrent search engines.

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