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Lost stratospheric aerosol geo engineering pilots over rural Australia

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posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 11:56 AM
Can anyone point me to the part where Gates talks about reducing the population? I thought it might be adjacent to where he talks about reducing the growth in population, but it appears not to be anywhere on the tape.

They wont have meant that part will they? I mean, we aren't exactly conversing with uncomprehending retards are we. These are smart people, so can someone help?

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by waynos

Can anyone point me to the part where Gates talks about reducing the population? I thought it might be adjacent to where he talks about reducing the growth in population, but it appears not to be anywhere on the tape.

I asked that very same question and have yet to get a reply, but honestly I do not expect to get said answer as he never says that in the whole presentation from TED that I had linked to.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:08 PM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

When first you don't succeed blame HAARP...

So how does HAARP have anything to do with plane exhaust in Australia?

The OP did not describe plane exhaust in Australia. The OP described planes entering airspace above a farming area, maneuvering, ejecting something that precipitated trails and, then, leaving by the same route they came.

Several days later, everyone got bronchitis.

There are a number of similar situations, from the past, in different countries, described in government disclosures. The disclosures are made many years, even decades, after the fact.

HAARP is a facility in Gakona, Alaska that heats the ionosphere in order to produce ELF. ELF are extremely low frequency waves that the government claims are necessary in order to communicate with submerged submarines and also to locate underground bunkers.

ELF frequencies require extremely long antennas because the wavelengths are so long. An antenna has been found in the electrojet and is openly utilized as an antenna for ELF produced by HAARP.

Further, although there are documents available detailing a self-assembling nano particle antenna, there are no documents, disclosed, linking such an antenna to HAARP. HIPAS, an ionospheric heater that was a predecessor to HAARP, spent a lot of its' time and effort in mapping the auroral electrojet. There were areas where it flowed and areas where it didn't flow. There were places where it was strong and places where it was weak. There were times when it expanded and times when it shrank. These areas were loosely mapped by latitude. There were points in this electrojet that maximized ionospheric heating and one of these points is in the ionosphere above Gakona, Alaska where HAARP was built. Here, in roughly the center of this article, is a map depiction of the auroral electrojet.

Auroral Electrojet

Chemtrails and/or rainmaking and/or cloud creation using heavy metal charged nano particles which can self-assemble into an antenna is an experiment still in progress for a number of latitudes. This is because there are areas of the globe inherently resistant to techniques which work well in mid-latitudes.

The military industrial complex, in its' monolithic march forward, generally rolls tanks right over human health considerations. Today, this complex is actually inverted so that corporations occupy the top rung and the military comes second. This is the result of outsourcing and mercenary use. Corporations and merceneries also steam roller human health, not for security or keeping up with the Jones's, but for profit.

So that, basically, would be one HAARP connection with aerosol geo-engineering. Facilitating an antenna for HAARP, with a side-effect of pysical illness for human beings; not really even getting into the electromagnetic imbalance, manifested as psychological imbalance, that ELF, in certain hertz, can produce.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 06:17 PM

Originally posted by luxordelphi
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

When first you don't succeed blame HAARP...

So how does HAARP have anything to do with plane exhaust in Australia?

The OP did not describe plane exhaust in Australia. The OP described planes entering airspace above a farming area, maneuvering, ejecting something that precipitated trails and, then, leaving by the same route they came.

In Australia.

And the planes he described were shown to match planes on hold that day for descent into Brisbane.

posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by luxordelphi

The OP did not describe plane exhaust in Australia.

Did you happen to read the title of this thread?

Lost stratospheric aerosol geo engineering pilots over rural Australia

But surely you knew that already......

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 12:34 AM
reply to post by luxordelphi

Excellent post! Thank you so much.

I have heard this theory years ago in 2009 and it is one of the ones I find plausable.

The mystery surroungding the motive for this activity is one of the most intriguing mental excersizes that anti chemtrailers are trying to get to the bottom of. In your opinion, what would the self assembling nano particled antenna be used for? What is the big motive? (NWO?)

ps: sometimes one wishes that Chemtrail threads could be limited to those who are really interested in finding solution. How unfortunate that every chemtrail thread very quickly evolves to a debate about the validity thereof: a p$$ng contest beween the Contrailers and the Chemtrailers. If one could bypass it, productive discussion might begin.

I have not logged onto the site for many months, but when I see a sincere Chemtrail thread where the OPer is struggeling agianst bricks in a wall (thanks Pink Floyed for giving us an excellent way to describe people who are also known for displaying sheep behaviour) then I cannot resist giving them some backup.
Sorry, Contrailers, I mean no disrespect. But you know, we know you dont believe. You come onto every chemtrail thread with the same stuff. Why not go somewhere on ATS that you can discuss new ideas or insights. Why not give us the space to discuss what is actually devistating to many of us.
I know that a lot of anit Chemtrailers do not bother to come and strut their stuff on these threads, purely because it always evolves into an: is it? is it not? thread. It is ok if you do not believe. But please know, we are not gonna change our minds!

Same old same old. We know you are out there, don't worry, you don't have to constantly remind us. We will not forget if you respectfully decide not to come with the same old same old over and over again.

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 05:22 AM
reply to post by luxordelphi

If you really want to learn about the Stanford VLF experiments then you should actually read and understand it....

ELF/VLF stands for Extremely Low Frequency and Very Low Frequency, and refers to the range 300 Hz to 30 kHz. We're talking about radio waves, like the AM/FM signals you get, just at an even lower frequency. On our planet, the most potent source of ELF/VLF waves is lightning, so a lot of what we do comes down to studying lightning and its various impacts on our Earth's environment, detectable even in Antarctica.

In fact if you want to learn more about this research I would suggest checking these out..

Cohen, MB, Lehtinen NG,...Models of Ionospheric VLF Absorption of Powerful...

Cohen, MB, Moore RC,...ELF/VLF wave generation from the beating of two...

Singh, R, Cohen MB,...Very low latitude (L = 1.08) whistlers

Jin, G, Spasojevic M,...Harmonic minimization waveforms for modulated...

Maurya, AK, Veenadhari B,...Nighttime D region electron density measurements...

That is just a start and if you want to see theses from those who use this to study VLF then you can start with these..

Piddyachiy, DPropagation of ELF Waves Generated by an HF...

Jin, GGeneration of Extremely Low Frequency Waves via...

Foust, FRDiscontinuous Galerkin Modeling of Wave...

Haque, NSource Region Characteristics of Magnetospheric...

I understand that it is just easier to chuck up something that fits your beliefs, but doing some bit of research will help you understand the subject and what research is being done...

Remember Google (or any search engine you prefer) is your friend..

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 05:53 AM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky

I have not logged onto the site for many months, but when I see a sincere Chemtrail thread where the OPer is struggeling agianst bricks in a wall (thanks Pink Floyed for giving us an excellent way to describe people who are also known for displaying sheep behaviour) then I cannot resist giving them some backup.

Just a quick question here...

Have you actually done any research into the chemtrail hoax?

I see you have done exactly what all other chemtrail believers do when faced with scientific fact about what is actually happening, and that is start calling names.

How about this instead of calling names why not actually try and learn the science behind persisting contrails (or chemtrails for the believers)?

Same old same old. We know you are out there, don't worry, you don't have to constantly remind us. We will not forget if you respectfully decide not to come with the same old same old over and over again.

Well then I tell you what, if you or any other chemtrail believer out there can come up with something that hasn't been discussed in the 15 pages of threads on this topic then you will get something other than the same old thing as you call it, but since the same old tired debunked evidence keeps coming back you will get the same info that debunked your evidence in the first place.

So now I have a challenge for you and any other chemtrail believer out there, if you decide to take this please provide some info that chemtrails actually exist first then you have a starting point.

The next part of this challenge would be to find and show evidence that HAARP is doing anything other than what the folks who use it to do their research say it is doing.

Please use evidence that actually comes from credible sources and not some crackpot like Alex Jones, Jesse Ventura, or Nick Begich.

So if your interested in this challenge I will be waiting to see what you can come up with...

Good Luck!!!

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 06:42 AM
I feel sorry for him. It must so frustrating that people throw knowledge experience and facts into the argument just when all the believers want to do is wind themselves up into a frenzy about something that isn't real and then do nothing about it.

On a serious note, while believers are so entrenched they will always believe and sceptics won't, until some irrefutable evidence appears, there are others who come here asking questions and are undecided. I have just written on another thread how it is sceptics that say "look at everything" and believers who say "ignore anything that contradicts what I already think. Thanks for proving my point again.
edit on 31-12-2012 by waynos because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 10:24 AM
reply to post by tsurfer2000h

Do you realise that you display presumptious behaviour by inplying that I am a total novice at chemtrails and in that also implying that I have not spent at least 50 hours in the past 6 years on this topic? Ooops.

I am not going to dignify your accusation with a reply by putting together a response especially for you from various sites on the net, as I feel the additional hours I would need to spend to do so, will not justify the outcome.
So for convenience sake I will refer you to some good wholesome threads right here on ATS:

Especially this one too:

Did you ever consider the fact that a hugely popular site like Above Top Secret might have reconsidered creating the forum 'Chemtrials' if it was a total hoax? Surely the fact that this Forum exsists on this site gives it some credibility?

Hope you bother to actually read the threads that I have included for your convenience as I have taken my precious time to post them for you.

Also, most of us anti Chemtrialers would like to spend our time finguring out the problem, the motive and the solution as in our minds we have already surpassed the point where you still are. So, kindly we ask the likes of you to let us get on with it from time to time.
With respect.

edit on 31-12-2012 by UnlimitedSky because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 31 2012 @ 11:07 AM
reply to post by UnlimitedSky

Did you ever consider the fact that a hugely popular site like Above Top Secret might have reconsidered creating the forum 'Chemtrials' if it was a total hoax? Surely the fact that this Forum exsists on this site gives it some credibility?

No, because you see all of these chemtrail threads were originally put in a different forum where they got lost among other threads and a request was made for a seperate forum dedicated to this and guess what it happened.

So for convenience sake I will refer you to some good wholesome threads right here on ATS:

Thank you for that, but I know those threads and have posted in those threads, which were both debunked btw.

Also, most of us anti Chemtrialers would like to spend our time finguring out the problem, the motive and the solution as in our minds we have already surpassed the point where you still are. So, kindly we ask the likes of you to let us get on with it from time to time.

So let's see you and other chemtrail believers are searching for an answer to something that has yet been proven to exist, is that what your telling me?

Good luck on that journey for the truth, but don't get disappointed when you finally find the truth as it may not be what you want to find.

In fact here is a person that has been trying to say chemtrails exist for a decade only to find out the truth about chemtrails....

edit on 31-12-2012 by tsurfer2000h because: (no reason given)

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