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Whats the Big Deal Going over the Fiscal Cliff???

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posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 07:38 AM
Well everywhere you turn all you are hearing is the Fiscal Cliff. You would think the world is coming to an end. Radio, TV, and every news rag are making the fiscal cliff a very big deal. I do not get it. This has to be a dream come true for both Republicans, and Democrats. They have to be as excited as children on Christmas Eve waiting for Santa. The bottom line is Washington DC is about to get a $540 billion dollar shot in the arm. Without a doubt one thing politicians of every party loves is, MONEY!!!! They love money more than life itself. So here is my prediction of how this will go down.
We will drive off the Fiscal Cliff like Thelma and Louise. It will be peddle to the metal no looking back. President Obama has started his dog and pony show and is coming back to Washington DC cutting his vacation short (not like the guy works all that much, 180 round of golf last year). This will give an appearance that he cares and is tirelessly working to come to an agreement. But it is just for show. He wants this tax increase on everyone because he loves MONEY just as much as Republicans. By giving the appearance that he sacrificed his vacation when a bill to prevent the Fiscal Cliff does not happen, he can blame it on the Big Bad Republicans.

So now Washington will have $540 billion dollars to steal and party with every year for at least the next 4 years. Just wait….I can hear the shouts.....WHAT ABOUT THE AUTOMATIC CUTS!!!! Just watch, the legislators in Washington DC are about to have a moment of bipartisanship. It will be like a new leaf has turned and both parties are going to suddenly work together. Bill’s will be passed into law overturning spending cuts on Defense and will provide a pay raise for federal employees. The only fight that will suddenly take place is there will be no agreement on restoring spending on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Unemployment, Education, or Welfare. It will be the ultimate insult. Washington DC is going to take our $540 billion in additional revenue and spend it on themselves. They will continue to campaign for additional cuts to entitlement programs (programs you have been paying into your entire employed life i.e. Social Security and Medicare). Then each party is going to blame the other and behind closed doors both Republican’s and Democrat’s will be laughing and calling us suckers.

Mark my words this is exactly what is going to happen. Just to show you an example lets go back to the evil Bush’s departure from Washington DC in December 2007. Right before he left there was this big emergency where the banks suddenly overnight were broke and no longer solvent. So we passed the so call ONE TIME BAIL OUT of about $700 billion. This bail out was not paid out until 2008 Obama's first year in office. So this is how it played out.

2004 to 2007 Bush spent approximately $3.1 trillion a year Tax Revenues was approximately $3 trillion a year.
2008 to 2012 Obama spent approximately $3.8 trillion a year Tax Revenues was approximately $2.7 trillion a year

Tax revenue is down because the workforce in America as shrunk by about 6 million workers and we have 7% unemployment. So tax revenues are lower because of less people working.

2007 to 2007 Bush spent $560 billion a year on Defense and $200 billion on welfare.
2008 to 2012 Obama spent $950 billion a year on Defense and $450 billion on welfare.

A little know fact (at least I think so) ONE TIME BAIL OUT MONEY of $700 billion is not one time because the way the federal government works is the actual spending of a previous year becomes the new base or bottom line for all subsequent years. That is why spending went from $3.1 trillion to $3.8 trillion and has never gone down. Also, they knew this when the bail out or tarp was approved. Next, in Washington DC when money is allocated to an area like Education of Defense they will put into place an automatic or standard increase for the next years. As an example they might agree to allow Department of Education to have resource of $100 with a 5% annual raise. So the next year Dept of Ed would get $105.00. Well, if Washington DC decides to adjust that to 3% it is a cut in spending even though the Department of Education has gone from $100 to $103 instead of $105. Once again it seems so deceiving to me.

One last little note, it would seem that Social Security has gone from $880 billion a year in 2008 to $780 billion in 2011. I just thought that was interesting because Washington DC has SS in their sight with the desire to lower that expense and hopefully to do away with it. Those politicians need another $880 billion to mishandle. In the real world if a CEO spent money the way it is in Washington DC and told there share holders they were going to spend money on one thing and used it anyway they desired. That CEO would be prosecuted for criminal negligence, fraud, tax evasion, malfeasance and a few other felonies. But we just what it happen like it an episode of Jersey Shore and do nothing and really have no way of doing anything.

What is obvious is Washington DC suffers from the same greedy behavior that they claim rich people have. Without a doubt I would not know about rich greedy people because my bank account is pretty much non-existent and my prospects for an increase in income is definitely non-existent. This article or information is not attacking a particular party, or person. It is not written to be slanted to the left or right. It entire purpose to show you how well orchestrated and the planning that has taken place by both parties to deceive the American Tax Payer into a belief that this increase in taxes and going over the fiscal cliff is the fault of one party or the other. When in reality both parties just want to bleed us dry of every dollar and strategically make sure it does not go to programs or areas that actually benefit American citizens. Politician’s want that money to go to organizations and places where it will eventually flow back into their pockets or control. They do this through Defense spending where many Congressmen and Senators are heavily invested in companies that make Defense Department good and services. Many Congressman and Senators formally were CEO's, President's or VP's of these companies. Dick Cheney is a prime example being the top dog at Halliburton.

Well, thank you for check out my article today. Please add your comments and thoughts. This is an area where I feel Americans need to stand up and let Washington DC know we are tired of this crap. It is time to get the self serving trash out of DC. That’s my opinion this day December 27, 2012. What yours?

edit on 27-12-2012 by rgzing because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 07:58 AM
you could have just said our elected officials suck, would have been much shorter?

seriously though the fiscal cliff is a joke just like everything else in DC. there is no fix for our economy, nor the global economy, as it's running just like the elite want it to. about the time we have nothing left to loose and things start to unwind people will be begging the crooks to come save them. it's a viscous cycle no doubt.

i guess what we need to do and be vigilant for, is the bad guys coming in to "save" the day, right after the same crooks have robbed us all blind.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 08:02 AM
There is little to add to your position on this, as I suspect and damn skippy, so you are right. And We can't do a thing about it, or we'll be put into an NDAA Gitmo.

If you can't beat them, and votes are tallied overseas off American Shores, well what you have right their is an Illegal Government But don't protest too loudly and don't mention we should be rising up...

edit on 27-12-2012 by matthewgraybeal because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by rgzing

I was on a roll and then hit the back button by accident...


posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 08:20 AM

there is no fix for our economy, nor the global economy, as it's running just like the elite want it

"Fiscal cliff" is a Federal reserve invented term. The Fed knew the politicians were going to let the automatic tax increases and funding cuts occur through non action. Obama should have stayed in Hawaii, the way they are scripting is not consistent with a President possessing an IQ of 138.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Cauliflower

i agree it's getting fairly obvious of what they are up to and none of it is good for the people or the country. make debt, borrow money, make us rich, make debt, borrow money, make us rich, that's about the gist of it.

we really have to loose the parasites soon or we'll be bled dry.

kind of like a dog with fleas on it's back, only these fleas have a direct link to the dogs brain, telling him it's ok, we won't take much, you'll be better off for it.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 09:01 AM
Actually? It effects YOU directly.

If you have a relative this dies and left you an inheritance, your estate is going to be taxed MORE dough AND some of the estate tax goes back to the State you live in, as opposed to the Feds collecting it ,and redistributing BACK to your State at a lower rate.

After you work your whole life to even have a little money to leave to your family, the States and Feds will collect more from your death regardless of how they split that pie with each.

That hit home now? MORE out of pocket for just DIEING.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 09:10 AM
yeah.... what;s the big deal

Obama in his first 4 year term never submitted a Budget in any year
but suddenly NOW a fiscal cliff is going t wreck the nation/economy ?

this is just another ploy to strip the people of entitlements (food stamps, unemployment. child care credits, WIC, etc) and to impose things like harsh austerity measures in SS & medicare-medicare...

if the FC is not redressed, i am afraid that personal IRAs, 401Ks are subject to confiscation/replacement
in a slight of hand tactic to rectify the (fake) FC

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 09:15 AM
It's classic Problem , Reaction, Solution.
They couldn't just raise taxes for no reason... that would piss too many people off at once.

They had to build it all up into this "dire" situation, where they're left with the unfortunate choice of raking in and holding on to more tax dollars to waste.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 09:29 AM
reply to post by LittleBlackEagle

Thank you and your are so right. They do suck

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:08 AM
I think it's a great idea personally. At least it gets removed as a bludgeon for either side to use. Now they might actually have to do their job and do something of worth to the country.

Automatically expiring tax cuts have to rank right up there with some of the most sinister BM's to ever get squeezed out of Washingtons rear.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:50 AM

Originally posted by St Udio
yeah.... what;s the big deal
Obama in his first 4 year term never submitted a Budget in any year

Simply not true. Congress has not passed a budget, but the President damn sure submitted one every year. It's the very first thing that happens in the budget process. Sort of a "this is what I would like to see" proposal that both houses of Congress take and change as they see fit. Just because the most ineffective Congress of our generation has not passed a budget, does not mean one was not originally submitted. It was, and has been submitted every year.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by usernameconspiracy

Submitting a totally ridiculous budget that not even one Democrat voted for is not what i would consider submitting a budget. He submitted garbage knowing it would not pass.

posted on Dec, 27 2012 @ 01:06 PM

Originally posted by rgzingMark my words this is exactly what is going to happen. Just to show you an example lets go back to the evil Bush’s departure from Washington DC in December 2007. Right before he left there was this big emergency where the banks suddenly overnight were broke and no longer solvent. So we passed the so call ONE TIME BAIL OUT of about $700 billion. This bail out was not paid out until 2008 Obama's first year in office. So this is how it played out.

2004 to 2007 Bush spent approximately $3.1 trillion a year Tax Revenues was approximately $3 trillion a year.
2008 to 2012 Obama spent approximately $3.8 trillion a year Tax Revenues was approximately $2.7 trillion a year

How can 2008 be Obama's first year in office if he was elected in 2008? Also 2004 - 2007 = 4 years, but 2008 - 2012 = 5 years. How does Obama have a 5 year term? I think your thought process is a little off, a president is elected on a year divisible by 4 and takes office the subsequent year. Obama elected in 2008, but takes office in 2009. Bush was still in office when the bailouts went into effect.

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