posted on Dec, 30 2012 @ 11:02 AM
I can understand that philosophical pretense of what the OP is expressing but I, along with the others here who have already voiced it, do not agree
with the premise that true "freedom of speech" is applied broadly upon the private citizen and forced to be accepted.
Access to speech is a two way street in the public square but in the privacy of our own endeavors, we get to freely choose where we apply that speech
or where we allow it. If one does not accept the policies or dictates on speech in a business, they can not support that business or even enter
competition with that business providing speech contrary to it.
For example, when you joined this site, you agreed to terms and conditions that protect both you and the owners of the site. If this site
removes your speech, they are doing so in the confines of the contract you agreed to freely, under no duress and with assumed competency. If you feel
that such action does not fall under your terms agreed to, you have recourse first with the site owners and if that fails, you take it to court for
breech of contract.
If for any reason, you feel that the contract is restrictive, you can move on. Go to a different place that applies no restrictions or start your
own. It really is that simple and I do not want to see the Government step in and proclaim that private companies must relinquish their rights to
serve the public in a way the State wants them to.